教程:使用推理 API 进行语义搜索
编辑教程:使用推理 API 进行语义搜索
编辑本教程中的说明将向您展示如何使用推理 API 工作流以及各种服务对您的数据执行语义搜索。
要在 Elastic Stack 中执行语义搜索的最简单方法,请参阅 semantic_text
模型用于 Cohere -
模型来自 HuggingFace -
第二代嵌入模型用于 OpenAI - 通过 Azure AI Studio 或 Azure OpenAI 提供的模型
模型用于 Google Vertex AI -
模型用于 Mistral -
模型用于 Amazon Bedrock -
模型用于 阿里云 AI
您可以使用任何 Cohere 和 OpenAI 模型,推理 API 都支持它们。有关 HuggingFace 上推荐模型的列表,请参阅 支持的模型列表。
编辑需要一个 Cohere 帐户才能将推理 API 与 Cohere 服务一起使用。
ELSER 是由 Elastic 训练的模型。如果您有 Elasticsearch 部署,则无需其他要求即可将推理 API 与 elasticsearch
需要一个 HuggingFace 帐户才能将推理 API 与 HuggingFace 服务一起使用。
需要一个 OpenAI 帐户才能将推理 API 与 OpenAI 服务一起使用。
- 一个 Azure 订阅
- 在所需的 Azure 订阅中授予对 Azure OpenAI 的访问权限。您可以通过填写 https://aka.ms/oai/access 上的表单来申请对 Azure OpenAI 的访问权限。
- 一个部署在 Azure OpenAI Studio 中的嵌入模型。
- 一个 Azure 订阅
- 访问 Azure AI Studio
- 一个部署的 嵌入或 聊天完成模型。
- 一个 Google Cloud 帐户
- Google Cloud 中的一个项目
- 在您的项目中启用的 Vertex AI API
- Google Vertex AI API 的有效服务帐户
- 该服务帐户必须具有 Vertex AI 用户角色和
- 在 La Plateforme 上的 Mistral 帐户
- 为您的帐户生成的 API 密钥
- 具有 Amazon Bedrock 访问权限的 AWS 帐户
- 用于访问 Amazon Bedrock 的一对访问密钥和密钥
编辑使用 创建推理 API 创建推理端点
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="cohere_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "cohere", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "model_id": "embed-english-v3.0", "embedding_type": "byte" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "cohere_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "cohere", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", model_id: "embed-english-v3.0", embedding_type: "byte", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/cohere_embeddings { "service": "cohere", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "model_id": "embed-english-v3.0", "embedding_type": "byte" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
您的 Cohere 帐户的 API 密钥。您可以在 Cohere 仪表板的 API 密钥部分中找到您的 API 密钥。您只需要提供一次 API 密钥。获取推理 API 不会返回您的 API 密钥。 |
要使用的嵌入模型的名称。您可以在 此处找到 Cohere 嵌入模型的列表。 |
使用此模型时,建议在 dense_vector
字段映射中使用相似性度量 dot_product
。在 Cohere 模型的情况下,嵌入被归一化为单位长度,在这种情况下,dot_product
和 cosine
PUT _inference/sparse_embedding/elser_embeddings { "service": "elasticsearch", "service_settings": { "num_allocations": 1, "num_threads": 1 } }
您无需预先下载和部署 ELSER 模型,上面的 API 请求将在下载模型(如果尚未下载)后部署它。
使用 Kibana 控制台时,您可能会在响应中看到 502 bad gateway 错误。此错误通常只反映超时,而模型在后台下载。您可以在 Machine Learning UI 中检查下载进度。如果使用 Python 客户端,您可以将 timeout
首先,您需要在 Hugging Face 端点页面上创建一个新的推理端点,以获取端点 URL。在新端点创建页面上选择模型 all-mpnet-base-v2
,然后在高级配置部分下选择 句子嵌入
任务。创建端点。在端点初始化完成后复制 URL,您需要在以下推理 API 调用中使用该 URL。
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="hugging_face_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "hugging_face", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<access_token>", "url": "<url_endpoint>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "hugging_face_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "hugging_face", service_settings: { api_key: "<access_token>", url: "<url_endpoint>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/hugging_face_embeddings { "service": "hugging_face", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<access_token>", "url": "<url_endpoint>" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
一个有效的 HuggingFace 访问令牌。您可以在 您帐户的设置页面上找到。 |
您在 Hugging Face 上创建的推理端点 URL。 |
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="openai_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "openai", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "model_id": "text-embedding-ada-002" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "openai_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "openai", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", model_id: "text-embedding-ada-002", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/openai_embeddings { "service": "openai", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "model_id": "text-embedding-ada-002" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
您的 OpenAI 帐户的 API 密钥。您可以在您的 OpenAI 帐户的 API 密钥部分中找到您的 OpenAI API 密钥。您只需要提供一次 API 密钥。获取推理 API 不会返回您的 API 密钥。 |
要使用的嵌入模型的名称。您可以在 此处找到 OpenAI 嵌入模型的列表。 |
使用此模型时,建议在 dense_vector
字段映射中使用相似性度量 dot_product
。在 OpenAI 模型的情况下,嵌入被归一化为单位长度,在这种情况下,dot_product
和 cosine
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="azure_openai_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "azureopenai", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "resource_name": "<resource_name>", "deployment_id": "<deployment_id>", "api_version": "2024-02-01" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "azure_openai_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "azureopenai", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", resource_name: "<resource_name>", deployment_id: "<deployment_id>", api_version: "2024-02-01", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/azure_openai_embeddings { "service": "azureopenai", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "resource_name": "<resource_name>", "deployment_id": "<deployment_id>", "api_version": "2024-02-01" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
用于访问您的 Azure OpenAI 服务的 API 密钥。或者,您可以在此处提供 |
您的 Azure 资源的名称。 |
您部署的模型的 ID。 |
您的模型的部署在创建后可能需要几分钟才能可用。如果您尝试按上述方式创建模型并收到 404
错误消息,请等待几分钟,然后重试。此外,使用此模型时,建议在 dense_vector
字段映射中使用相似性度量 dot_product
。在 Azure OpenAI 模型的情况下,嵌入被归一化为单位长度,在这种情况下,dot_product
和 cosine
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="azure_ai_studio_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "azureaistudio", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "target": "<target_uri>", "provider": "<provider>", "endpoint_type": "<endpoint_type>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "azure_ai_studio_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "azureaistudio", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", target: "<target_uri>", provider: "<provider>", endpoint_type: "<endpoint_type>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/azure_ai_studio_embeddings { "service": "azureaistudio", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "target": "<target_uri>", "provider": "<provider>", "endpoint_type": "<endpoint_type>" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
用于访问您部署的 Azure AI Studio 模型的 API 密钥。您可以在您的模型部署的概览页面上找到此信息。 |
用于访问您部署的 Azure AI Studio 模型的 目标 URI。您可以在您的模型部署的概览页面上找到此信息。 |
模型提供商,例如 |
部署的端点类型。这可以是 |
您的模型的部署在创建后可能需要几分钟才能可用。如果您尝试按上述方式创建模型并收到 404
错误消息,请等待几分钟,然后重试。此外,使用此模型时,建议在 dense_vector
字段映射中使用相似性度量 dot_product
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="google_vertex_ai_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "googlevertexai", "service_settings": { "service_account_json": "<service_account_json>", "model_id": "text-embedding-004", "location": "<location>", "project_id": "<project_id>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "google_vertex_ai_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "googlevertexai", service_settings: { service_account_json: "<service_account_json>", model_id: "text-embedding-004", location: "<location>", project_id: "<project_id>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _inference/text_embedding/google_vertex_ai_embeddings { "service": "googlevertexai", "service_settings": { "service_account_json": "<service_account_json>", "model_id": "text-embedding-004", "location": "<location>", "project_id": "<project_id>" } }
路径中的任务类型为 |
适用于 Google Vertex AI API 的 JSON 格式的有效服务帐户。 |
有关可用模型的列表,请参阅 文本嵌入 API 页面。 |
要用于推理任务的位置名称。有关可用位置,请参阅 Vertex AI 上的生成式 AI 位置。 |
要用于推理任务的项目名称。 |
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="mistral_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "mistral", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "model": "<model_id>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "mistral_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "mistral", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", model: "<model_id>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="amazon_bedrock_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "amazonbedrock", "service_settings": { "access_key": "<aws_access_key>", "secret_key": "<aws_secret_key>", "region": "<region>", "provider": "<provider>", "model": "<model_id>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "amazonbedrock", service_settings: { access_key: "<aws_access_key>", secret_key: "<aws_secret_key>", region: "<region>", provider: "<provider>", model: "<model_id>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.inference.put( task_type="text_embedding", inference_id="alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", inference_config={ "service": "alibabacloud-ai-search", "service_settings": { "api_key": "<api_key>", "service_id": "<service_id>", "host": "<host>", "workspace": "<workspace>" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.inference.put({ task_type: "text_embedding", inference_id: "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", inference_config: { service: "alibabacloud-ai-search", service_settings: { api_key: "<api_key>", service_id: "<service_id>", host: "<host>", workspace: "<workspace>", }, }, }); console.log(response);
编辑必须创建目标索引的映射,该索引包含模型将根据您的输入文本创建的嵌入。对于大多数模型,目标索引必须具有一个带有 dense_vector
字段类型的字段,对于稀疏向量模型,如 elasticsearch
服务的情况,则具有 sparse_vector
resp = client.indices.create( index="cohere-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "byte" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'cohere-embeddings', body: { mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: 'dense_vector', dims: 1024, element_type: 'byte' }, content: { type: 'text' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "cohere-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1024, element_type: "byte", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT cohere-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "byte" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。在您使用的模型的 Cohere 文档中查找此值。 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="elser-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "sparse_vector" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "elser-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "sparse_vector", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.indices.create( index="hugging-face-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 768, "element_type": "float" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'hugging-face-embeddings', body: { mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: 'dense_vector', dims: 768, element_type: 'float' }, content: { type: 'text' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "hugging-face-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 768, element_type: "float", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT hugging-face-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 768, "element_type": "float" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。在 HuggingFace 模型文档中查找此值。 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="openai-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1536, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'openai-embeddings', body: { mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: 'dense_vector', dims: 1536, element_type: 'float', similarity: 'dot_product' }, content: { type: 'text' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "openai-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1536, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.indices.create( index="azure-openai-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1536, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'azure-openai-embeddings', body: { mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: 'dense_vector', dims: 1536, element_type: 'float', similarity: 'dot_product' }, content: { type: 'text' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "azure-openai-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1536, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT azure-openai-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1536, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。在您使用的模型的 Azure OpenAI 文档中查找此值。 |
对于 Azure OpenAI 嵌入,应使用 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="azure-ai-studio-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1536, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1536, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.indices.create( index="google-vertex-ai-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 768, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 768, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT google-vertex-ai-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 768, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的嵌入的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含嵌入的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。此值可以在 Google Vertex AI 模型参考中找到。如果未指定 |
对于 Google Vertex AI 嵌入,应使用 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="mistral-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "mistral-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1024, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT mistral-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。此值可以在 Mistral 模型参考中找到。 |
对于 Mistral 嵌入,应使用 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="amazon-bedrock-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1024, element_type: "float", similarity: "dot_product", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT amazon-bedrock-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float", "similarity": "dot_product" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。此值可能因使用的基础模型而异。请参阅 Amazon Titan 模型或 Cohere 嵌入模型文档。 |
对于 Amazon Bedrock 嵌入,对于 Amazon Titan 模型,应使用 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
resp = client.indices.create( index="alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", mappings={ "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", mappings: { properties: { content_embedding: { type: "dense_vector", dims: 1024, element_type: "float", }, content: { type: "text", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings { "mappings": { "properties": { "content_embedding": { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": 1024, "element_type": "float" }, "content": { "type": "text" } } } }
包含生成的标记的字段的名称。它必须在下一步的推理管道配置中被引用。 |
包含标记的字段是一个 |
模型的输出维度。此值可能因使用的基础模型而异。请参阅 阿里云 AI 搜索嵌入模型文档。 |
从中创建密集向量表示的字段的名称。在此示例中,字段的名称为 |
此示例中的字段类型为文本。 |
编辑创建一个带有 推理处理器的 索引管道,并使用您上面创建的模型对管道中正在索引的数据进行推理。
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="cohere_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "cohere_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "cohere_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "cohere_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/cohere_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "cohere_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="elser_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "elser_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "elser_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "elser_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/elser_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "elser_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="hugging_face_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "hugging_face_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "hugging_face_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "hugging_face_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/hugging_face_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "hugging_face_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="openai_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "openai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "openai_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "openai_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/openai_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "openai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "azure_openai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "azure_openai_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "azure_openai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "azure_ai_studio_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "azure_ai_studio_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "azure_ai_studio_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="google_vertex_ai_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "google_vertex_ai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "google_vertex_ai_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "google_vertex_ai_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/google_vertex_ai_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "google_vertex_ai_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="mistral_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "mistral_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "mistral_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "mistral_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/mistral_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "mistral_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="amazon_bedrock_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "amazon_bedrock_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/amazon_bedrock_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings_pipeline", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings_pipeline", processors: [ { inference: { model_id: "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", input_output: { input_field: "content", output_field: "content_embedding", }, }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings_pipeline { "processors": [ { "inference": { "model_id": "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", "input_output": { "input_field": "content", "output_field": "content_embedding" } } } ] }
您使用 创建推理 API 创建的推理端点的名称,在该步骤中称为 |
配置对象,定义推理过程的 |
使用 msmarco-passagetest2019-top1000
数据集,它是 MS MARCO Passage Ranking 数据集的子集。它由 200 个查询组成,每个查询都附带一个相关的文本段落列表。所有唯一的段落及其 ID 都已从该数据集中提取,并编译到 tsv 文件中。
下载该文件,并使用 Machine Learning UI 中的 数据可视化工具将其上传到您的集群。分析您的数据后,单击覆盖设置。在编辑字段名称下,将 id
分配给第一列,将 content
分配给第二列。单击应用,然后单击导入。将索引命名为 test-data
,然后单击导入。上传完成后,您将看到一个名为 test-data
的索引,其中包含 182,469 个文档。
编辑通过重新索引通过使用您选择的模型的推理管道的数据,从文本中创建嵌入。此步骤使用 reindex API 模拟通过管道进行数据索引。
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "cohere-embeddings", "pipeline": "cohere_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "cohere-embeddings", pipeline: "cohere_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false { "source": { "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, "dest": { "index": "cohere-embeddings", "pipeline": "cohere_embeddings_pipeline" } }
您的 Cohere 帐户的速率限制可能会影响重新索引过程的吞吐量。
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "elser-embeddings", "pipeline": "elser_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "elser-embeddings", pipeline: "elser_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "hugging-face-embeddings", "pipeline": "hugging_face_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "hugging-face-embeddings", pipeline: "hugging_face_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "openai-embeddings", "pipeline": "openai_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "openai-embeddings", pipeline: "openai_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false { "source": { "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, "dest": { "index": "openai-embeddings", "pipeline": "openai_embeddings_pipeline" } }
您的 OpenAI 帐户的速率限制可能会影响重新索引过程的吞吐量。如果发生这种情况,请将 size
更改为 3
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "azure-openai-embeddings", "pipeline": "azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "azure-openai-embeddings", pipeline: "azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false { "source": { "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, "dest": { "index": "azure-openai-embeddings", "pipeline": "azure_openai_embeddings_pipeline" } }
您的 Azure OpenAI 帐户的速率限制可能会影响重新索引过程的吞吐量。如果发生这种情况,请将 size
更改为 3
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", "pipeline": "azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", pipeline: "azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false { "source": { "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, "dest": { "index": "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", "pipeline": "azure_ai_studio_embeddings_pipeline" } }
您的 Azure AI Studio 模型部署可能设置了速率限制,这可能会影响重新索引过程的吞吐量。如果发生这种情况,请将 size
更改为 3
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", "pipeline": "google_vertex_ai_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", pipeline: "google_vertex_ai_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "mistral-embeddings", "pipeline": "mistral_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "mistral-embeddings", pipeline: "mistral_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", "pipeline": "amazon_bedrock_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", pipeline: "amazon_bedrock_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
resp = client.reindex( wait_for_completion=False, source={ "index": "test-data", "size": 50 }, dest={ "index": "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", "pipeline": "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings_pipeline" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.reindex({ wait_for_completion: "false", source: { index: "test-data", size: 50, }, dest: { index: "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", pipeline: "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings_pipeline", }, }); console.log(response);
该调用会返回一个任务 ID 以监视进度
resp = client.tasks.get( task_id="<task_id>", ) print(resp)
const response = await client.tasks.get({ task_id: "<task_id>", }); console.log(response);
GET _tasks/<task_id>
重新索引大型数据集可能需要很长时间。您可以使用数据集的子集测试此工作流程。通过取消重新索引过程,并且仅为重新索引的子集生成嵌入来执行此操作。以下 API 请求将取消重新索引任务
resp = client.tasks.cancel( task_id="<task_id>", ) print(resp)
const response = await client.tasks.cancel({ task_id: "<task_id>", }); console.log(response);
POST _tasks/<task_id>/_cancel
编辑使用嵌入丰富数据集后,您可以使用 语义搜索查询数据。对于密集向量模型,将 query_vector_builder
传递到 k 最近邻 (kNN) 向量搜索 API,并提供查询文本以及您用于创建嵌入的模型。对于像 ELSER 这样的稀疏向量模型,请使用 sparse_vector
resp = client.search( index="cohere-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "cohere_embeddings", "model_text": "Muscles in human body" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
response = client.search( index: 'cohere-embeddings', body: { knn: { field: 'content_embedding', query_vector_builder: { text_embedding: { model_id: 'cohere_embeddings', model_text: 'Muscles in human body' } }, k: 10, num_candidates: 100 }, _source: [ 'id', 'content' ] } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ index: "cohere-embeddings", knn: { field: "content_embedding", query_vector_builder: { text_embedding: { model_id: "cohere_embeddings", model_text: "Muscles in human body", }, }, k: 10, num_candidates: 100, }, _source: ["id", "content"], }); console.log(response);
GET cohere-embeddings/_search { "knn": { "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "cohere_embeddings", "model_text": "Muscles in human body" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, "_source": [ "id", "content" ] }
因此,您会收到与 cohere-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,这些文档按其与查询的接近程度排序
"hits": [ { "_index": "cohere-embeddings", "_id": "-eFWCY4BECzWLnMZuI78", "_score": 0.737484, "_source": { "id": 1690948, "content": "Oxygen is supplied to the muscles via red blood cells. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin which oxygen bonds with as the hemoglobin rich blood cells pass through the blood vessels of the lungs.The now oxygen rich blood cells carry that oxygen to the cells that are demanding it, in this case skeletal muscle cells.ther ways in which muscles are supplied with oxygen include: 1 Blood flow from the heart is increased. 2 Blood flow to your muscles in increased. 3 Blood flow from nonessential organs is transported to working muscles." } }, { "_index": "cohere-embeddings", "_id": "HuFWCY4BECzWLnMZuI_8", "_score": 0.7176013, "_source": { "id": 1692482, "content": "The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. This is a broad flat muscle. (muscular) diaphragm The diaphragm is a muscle that separat…e the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. The pelvis is the lowest part of the abdominal cavity and it has no physical separation from it Diaphragm." } }, { "_index": "cohere-embeddings", "_id": "IOFWCY4BECzWLnMZuI_8", "_score": 0.7154432, "_source": { "id": 1692489, "content": "Muscular Wall Separating the Abdominal and Thoracic Cavities; Thoracic Cavity of a Fetal Pig; In Mammals the Diaphragm Separates the Abdominal Cavity from the" } }, { "_index": "cohere-embeddings", "_id": "C-FWCY4BECzWLnMZuI_8", "_score": 0.695313, "_source": { "id": 1691493, "content": "Burning, aching, tenderness and stiffness are just some descriptors of the discomfort you may feel in the muscles you exercised one to two days ago.For the most part, these sensations you experience after exercise are collectively known as delayed onset muscle soreness.urning, aching, tenderness and stiffness are just some descriptors of the discomfort you may feel in the muscles you exercised one to two days ago." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="elser-embeddings", query={ "sparse_vector": { "field": "content_embedding", "inference_id": "elser_embeddings", "query": "How to avoid muscle soreness after running?" } }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.search({ index: "elser-embeddings", query: { sparse_vector: { field: "content_embedding", inference_id: "elser_embeddings", query: "How to avoid muscle soreness after running?", }, }, _source: ["id", "content"], }); console.log(response);
GET elser-embeddings/_search { "query":{ "sparse_vector":{ "field": "content_embedding", "inference_id": "elser_embeddings", "query": "How to avoid muscle soreness after running?" } }, "_source": [ "id", "content" ] }
因此,您会收到与 cohere-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,这些文档按其与查询的接近程度排序
"hits": [ { "_index": "elser-embeddings", "_id": "ZLGc_pABZbBmsu5_eCoH", "_score": 21.472063, "_source": { "id": 2258240, "content": "You may notice some muscle aches while you are exercising. This is called acute soreness. More often, you may begin to feel sore about 12 hours after exercising, and the discomfort usually peaks at 48 to 72 hours after exercise. This is called delayed-onset muscle soreness.It is thought that, during this time, your body is repairing the muscle, making it stronger and bigger.You may also notice the muscles feel better if you exercise lightly. This is normal.his is called delayed-onset muscle soreness. It is thought that, during this time, your body is repairing the muscle, making it stronger and bigger. You may also notice the muscles feel better if you exercise lightly. This is normal." } }, { "_index": "elser-embeddings", "_id": "ZbGc_pABZbBmsu5_eCoH", "_score": 21.421381, "_source": { "id": 2258242, "content": "Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images. That stiff, achy feeling you get in the days after exercise is a normal physiological response known as delayed onset muscle soreness. You can take it as a positive sign that your muscles have felt the workout, but the pain may also turn you off to further exercise.ou are more likely to develop delayed onset muscle soreness if you are new to working out, if you’ve gone a long time without exercising and start up again, if you have picked up a new type of physical activity or if you have recently boosted the intensity, length or frequency of your exercise sessions." } }, { "_index": "elser-embeddings", "_id": "ZrGc_pABZbBmsu5_eCoH", "_score": 20.542095, "_source": { "id": 2258248, "content": "They found that stretching before and after exercise has no effect on muscle soreness. Exercise might cause inflammation, which leads to an increase in the production of immune cells (comprised mostly of macrophages and neutrophils). Levels of these immune cells reach a peak 24-48 hours after exercise.These cells, in turn, produce bradykinins and prostaglandins, which make the pain receptors in your body more sensitive. Whenever you move, these pain receptors are stimulated.hey found that stretching before and after exercise has no effect on muscle soreness. Exercise might cause inflammation, which leads to an increase in the production of immune cells (comprised mostly of macrophages and neutrophils). Levels of these immune cells reach a peak 24-48 hours after exercise." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="hugging-face-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "hugging_face_embeddings", "model_text": "What's margin of error?" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
response = client.search( index: 'hugging-face-embeddings', body: { knn: { field: 'content_embedding', query_vector_builder: { text_embedding: { model_id: 'hugging_face_embeddings', model_text: "What's margin of error?" } }, k: 10, num_candidates: 100 }, _source: [ 'id', 'content' ] } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ index: "hugging-face-embeddings", knn: { field: "content_embedding", query_vector_builder: { text_embedding: { model_id: "hugging_face_embeddings", model_text: "What's margin of error?", }, }, k: 10, num_candidates: 100, }, _source: ["id", "content"], }); console.log(response);
GET hugging-face-embeddings/_search { "knn": { "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "hugging_face_embeddings", "model_text": "What's margin of error?" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, "_source": [ "id", "content" ] }
因此,您会收到与 hugging-face-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,这些文档按其与查询的接近程度排序
"hits": [ { "_index": "hugging-face-embeddings", "_id": "ljEfo44BiUQvMpPgT20E", "_score": 0.8522128, "_source": { "id": 7960255, "content": "The margin of error can be defined by either of the following equations. Margin of error = Critical value x Standard deviation of the statistic. Margin of error = Critical value x Standard error of the statistic. If you know the standard deviation of the statistic, use the first equation to compute the margin of error. Otherwise, use the second equation. Previously, we described how to compute the standard deviation and standard error." } }, { "_index": "hugging-face-embeddings", "_id": "lzEfo44BiUQvMpPgT20E", "_score": 0.7865497, "_source": { "id": 7960259, "content": "1 y ou are told only the size of the sample and are asked to provide the margin of error for percentages which are not (yet) known. 2 This is typically the case when you are computing the margin of error for a survey which is going to be conducted in the future." } }, { "_index": "hugging-face-embeddings1", "_id": "DjEfo44BiUQvMpPgT20E", "_score": 0.6229427, "_source": { "id": 2166183, "content": "1. In general, the point at which gains equal losses. 2. In options, the market price that a stock must reach for option buyers to avoid a loss if they exercise. For a call, it is the strike price plus the premium paid. For a put, it is the strike price minus the premium paid." } }, { "_index": "hugging-face-embeddings1", "_id": "VzEfo44BiUQvMpPgT20E", "_score": 0.6034223, "_source": { "id": 2173417, "content": "How do you find the area of a circle? Can you measure the area of a circle and use that to find a value for Pi?" } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="openai-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "openai_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 openai-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "openai-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "openai-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "openai-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="azure-openai-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "azure_openai_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 azure-openai-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "azure-openai-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "azure-openai-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "azure-openai-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="azure-ai-studio-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "azure_ai_studio_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 azure-ai-studio-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "azure-ai-studio-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="google-vertex-ai-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "google_vertex_ai_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 mistral-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", "_id": "Ryv0nZEBBFPLbFsdCbGn", "_score": 0.86815524, "_source": { "id": 3041038, "content": "For example, the cost of the fuel could be 96.9, the amount could be 10 pounds, and the distance covered could be 80 miles. To convert between Litres per 100KM and Miles Per Gallon, please provide a value and click on the required button.o calculate how much fuel you'll need for a given journey, please provide the distance in miles you will be covering on your journey, and the estimated MPG of your vehicle. To work out what MPG you are really getting, please provide the cost of the fuel, how much you spent on the fuel, and how far it took you." } }, { "_index": "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", "_id": "w4j0nZEBZ1nFq1oiHQvK", "_score": 0.8676357, "_source": { "id": 1541469, "content": "This driving cost calculator takes into consideration the fuel economy of the vehicle that you are travelling in as well as the fuel cost. This road trip gas calculator will give you an idea of how much would it cost to drive before you actually travel.his driving cost calculator takes into consideration the fuel economy of the vehicle that you are travelling in as well as the fuel cost. This road trip gas calculator will give you an idea of how much would it cost to drive before you actually travel." } }, { "_index": "google-vertex-ai-embeddings", "_id": "Hoj0nZEBZ1nFq1oiHQjJ", "_score": 0.80510974, "_source": { "id": 7982559, "content": "What's that light cost you? 1 Select your electric rate (or click to enter your own). 2 You can calculate results for up to four types of lights. 3 Select the type of lamp (i.e. 4 Select the lamp wattage (lamp lumens). 5 Enter the number of lights in use. 6 Select how long the lamps are in use (or click to enter your own; enter hours on per year). 7 Finally, ..." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="mistral-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "mistral_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 mistral-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "mistral-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "mistral-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "mistral-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="amazon-bedrock-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
const response = await client.search({ index: "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", knn: { field: "content_embedding", query_vector_builder: { text_embedding: { model_id: "amazon_bedrock_embeddings", model_text: "Calculate fuel cost", }, }, k: 10, num_candidates: 100, }, _source: ["id", "content"], }); console.log(response);
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结果,您将收到来自 amazon-bedrock-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "amazon-bedrock-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
resp = client.search( index="alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", knn={ "field": "content_embedding", "query_vector_builder": { "text_embedding": { "model_id": "alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings", "model_text": "Calculate fuel cost" } }, "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100 }, source=[ "id", "content" ], ) print(resp)
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结果,您将收到来自 alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings
索引中与查询含义最接近的前 10 个文档,并按其与查询的接近程度排序。
"hits": [ { "_index": "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", "_id": "DDd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.83704096, "_source": { "id": 862114, "body": "How to calculate fuel cost for a road trip. By Tara Baukus Mello • Bankrate.com. Dear Driving for Dollars, My family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost.It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes.y family is considering taking a long road trip to finish off the end of the summer, but I'm a little worried about gas prices and our overall fuel cost. It doesn't seem easy to calculate since we'll be traveling through many states and we are considering several routes." } }, { "_index": "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", "_id": "ajd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8345704, "_source": { "id": 820622, "body": "Home Heating Calculator. Typically, approximately 50% of the energy consumed in a home annually is for space heating. When deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important.This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances.hen deciding on a heating system, many factors will come into play: cost of fuel, installation cost, convenience and life style are all important. This calculator can help you estimate the cost of fuel for different heating appliances." } }, { "_index": "alibabacloud-ai-search-embeddings", "_id": "Djd5OowBHxQKHyc3TDSC", "_score": 0.8327426, "_source": { "id": 8202683, "body": "Fuel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel.If you are paying $4 per gallon, the trip would cost you $200.Most boats have much larger gas tanks than cars.uel is another important cost. This cost will depend on your boat, how far you travel, and how fast you travel. A 33-foot sailboat traveling at 7 knots should be able to travel 300 miles on 50 gallons of diesel fuel." } }, (...) ]
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