


规则类型: eql


  • logs-endpoint.events.process-*

严重性: 低

风险评分: 21

运行频率: 5 分钟

搜索索引时间范围: now-9m (日期数学格式,另请参阅 额外回溯时间)

每次执行的最大警报数: 100

参考: 无


  • 域: 端点
  • 操作系统: Windows
  • 用例: 威胁检测
  • 战术: 防御规避
  • 战术: 持久化
  • 规则类型: BBR
  • 数据源: Elastic Defend

版本: 5


  • Elastic

规则许可: Elastic License v2


process where host.os.type == "windows" and event.type == "start" and
    /* Slack */
    (process.parent.name : "slack.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
            "?:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Slack Technologies, Inc.",
            "Slack Technologies, LLC"
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          (process.name : "powershell.exe" and process.command_line : "powershell.exe -c Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://slackb.com/*") or
          (process.name : "cmd.exe" and process.command_line : "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /d /s /c \"%windir%\\System32\\rundll32.exe User32.dll,SetFocus 0\"")
    ) or

    /* WebEx */
    (process.parent.name : ("CiscoCollabHost.exe", "WebexHost.exe") and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
            "?:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Cisco Systems, Inc.",
            "Cisco WebEx LLC",
            "Cisco Systems Inc."
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
    ) or

    /* Teams */
    (process.parent.name : "Teams.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
            "?:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Microsoft Corporation",
            "Microsoft 3rd Party Application Component"
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          (process.name : "taskkill.exe" and process.args : "Teams.exe")
    ) or

    /* Discord */
    (process.parent.name : "Discord.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Discord Inc."
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.name : "cmd.exe" and
            process.command_line : (
              "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /d /s /c \"chcp\"",
              "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /q /d /s /c \"C:\\Program^ Files\\NVIDIA^ Corporation\\NVSMI\\nvidia-smi.exe\""
            ) or
            process.args : (
    ) or

    /* WhatsApp */
    (process.parent.name : "Whatsapp.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "WhatsApp LLC",
            "WhatsApp, Inc",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          (process.name : "cmd.exe" and process.command_line : "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /d /s /c \"C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe*")
    ) or

    /* Zoom */
    (process.parent.name : "Zoom.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
            "?:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Zoom Video Communications, Inc."
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
    ) or

    /* Outlook */
    (process.parent.name : "outlook.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
            "?:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.name : "rundll32.exe" and
          process.args : "*hpmsn???.dll,MonitorPrintJobStatus*"
    ) or

    /* Thunderbird */
    (process.parent.name : "thunderbird.exe" and not
          process.executable : (
            "?:\\Program Files\\*",
            "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*",
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true
        ) or
          process.code_signature.subject_name : (
            "Mozilla Corporation"
          ) and process.code_signature.trusted == true