获取 Elastic


Elastic Cloud 使您能够在几分钟内设置 Elastic Stack 并开始使用企业搜索、可观测性和安全解决方案。您可以在 Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Google Cloud 和 Microsoft Azure 支持的数十个区域中的任何区域进行全球部署。

如果您更喜欢自行管理,则可以在自己的硬件或公共云、私有云或混合云上安装 Elastic Stack。如果您正在运营多个集群,请考虑使用 Elastic Cloud Enterprise 或 Elastic Cloud for Kubernetes 来协调您的部署。

Orchestrate your deployments with Elastic Cloud Enterprise Install the Elastic Stack distributions for your environment Deploy the Elastic Stack with Elastic Cloud Kubernetes Do you want to use Kubernetes to orchestrate your deployments? Do you need to manage multiple deployments? Self-managed: Install and operate the Elastic Stack on your own infrastructure no no yes yes no Elastic Cloud: Hosted Elasticsearch Service Subscribe through the , , or marketplace for 
unified billing AWS GCP Azure Sign up directly with Elastic and get started for free Do you want to sign up through elastic.co
 or your cloud provider? elastic.co cloud provider yes Do you want Elastic to install and manage 
your deployment?

