编辑类型为 geo_point
与 geo_shape 和 point 一样,geo_point
可以在 GeoJSON 和 Well-Known Text 格式中指定。但是,为了方便和历史原因,还支持许多其他格式。总共有六种指定地理坐标点的方式,如下所示
resp = client.indices.create( index="my-index-000001", mappings={ "properties": { "location": { "type": "geo_point" } } }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="1", document={ "text": "Geopoint as an object using GeoJSON format", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.34, 41.12 ] } }, ) print(resp1) resp2 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="2", document={ "text": "Geopoint as a WKT POINT primitive", "location": "POINT (-71.34 41.12)" }, ) print(resp2) resp3 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="3", document={ "text": "Geopoint as an object with 'lat' and 'lon' keys", "location": { "lat": 41.12, "lon": -71.34 } }, ) print(resp3) resp4 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="4", document={ "text": "Geopoint as an array", "location": [ -71.34, 41.12 ] }, ) print(resp4) resp5 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="5", document={ "text": "Geopoint as a string", "location": "41.12,-71.34" }, ) print(resp5) resp6 = client.index( index="my-index-000001", id="6", document={ "text": "Geopoint as a geohash", "location": "drm3btev3e86" }, ) print(resp6) resp7 = client.search( index="my-index-000001", query={ "geo_bounding_box": { "location": { "top_left": { "lat": 42, "lon": -72 }, "bottom_right": { "lat": 40, "lon": -74 } } } }, ) print(resp7)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'my-index-000001', body: { mappings: { properties: { location: { type: 'geo_point' } } } } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 1, body: { text: 'Geopoint as an object using GeoJSON format', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -71.34, 41.12 ] } } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 2, body: { text: 'Geopoint as a WKT POINT primitive', location: 'POINT (-71.34 41.12)' } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 3, body: { text: "Geopoint as an object with 'lat' and 'lon' keys", location: { lat: 41.12, lon: -71.34 } } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 4, body: { text: 'Geopoint as an array', location: [ -71.34, 41.12 ] } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 5, body: { text: 'Geopoint as a string', location: '41.12,-71.34' } ) puts response response = client.index( index: 'my-index-000001', id: 6, body: { text: 'Geopoint as a geohash', location: 'drm3btev3e86' } ) puts response response = client.search( index: 'my-index-000001', body: { query: { geo_bounding_box: { location: { top_left: { lat: 42, lon: -72 }, bottom_right: { lat: 40, lon: -74 } } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "my-index-000001", mappings: { properties: { location: { type: "geo_point", }, }, }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 1, document: { text: "Geopoint as an object using GeoJSON format", location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-71.34, 41.12], }, }, }); console.log(response1); const response2 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 2, document: { text: "Geopoint as a WKT POINT primitive", location: "POINT (-71.34 41.12)", }, }); console.log(response2); const response3 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 3, document: { text: "Geopoint as an object with 'lat' and 'lon' keys", location: { lat: 41.12, lon: -71.34, }, }, }); console.log(response3); const response4 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 4, document: { text: "Geopoint as an array", location: [-71.34, 41.12], }, }); console.log(response4); const response5 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 5, document: { text: "Geopoint as a string", location: "41.12,-71.34", }, }); console.log(response5); const response6 = await client.index({ index: "my-index-000001", id: 6, document: { text: "Geopoint as a geohash", location: "drm3btev3e86", }, }); console.log(response6); const response7 = await client.search({ index: "my-index-000001", query: { geo_bounding_box: { location: { top_left: { lat: 42, lon: -72, }, bottom_right: { lat: 40, lon: -74, }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response7);
PUT my-index-000001 { "mappings": { "properties": { "location": { "type": "geo_point" } } } } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1 { "text": "Geopoint as an object using GeoJSON format", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-71.34, 41.12] } } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/2 { "text": "Geopoint as a WKT POINT primitive", "location" : "POINT (-71.34 41.12)" } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/3 { "text": "Geopoint as an object with 'lat' and 'lon' keys", "location": { "lat": 41.12, "lon": -71.34 } } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/4 { "text": "Geopoint as an array", "location": [ -71.34, 41.12 ] } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/5 { "text": "Geopoint as a string", "location": "41.12,-71.34" } PUT my-index-000001/_doc/6 { "text": "Geopoint as a geohash", "location": "drm3btev3e86" } GET my-index-000001/_search { "query": { "geo_bounding_box": { "location": { "top_left": { "lat": 42, "lon": -72 }, "bottom_right": { "lat": 40, "lon": -74 } } } } }
地理坐标点表示为对象,采用 GeoJSON 格式,带有 |
地理坐标点表示为 Well-Known Text POINT,格式为: |
地理坐标点表示为对象,带有 |
地理坐标点表示为数组,格式为:[ |
地理坐标点表示为字符串,格式为: |
地理坐标点表示为地理哈希。 |
地理边界框查询,查找落在框内的所有地理坐标点。 |
请注意,字符串地理坐标点的顺序为 lat,lon
,而数组地理坐标点、GeoJSON 和 WKT 的顺序则相反:lon,lat
造成这种情况的原因是历史遗留问题。地理学家传统上在 经度
之前编写 纬度
,而最近为地理数据指定的格式(如 GeoJSON 和 Well-Known Text)在 纬度
之前排序 经度
(在纵坐标之前排序横坐标),以便与在 y
之前排序 x
如果为 |
如果为 |
该字段是否应该可以快速搜索?接受 |
接受一个地理坐标点值,该值将替换任何显式的 |
定义如果 |
如果设置了此参数,则该字段将索引此脚本生成的值,而不是直接从源中读取值。如果在输入文档中为此字段设置了值,则该文档将被拒绝并显示错误。脚本的格式与其 运行时等效项 相同,并且应将点作为一对 (lat, lon) 双精度值发出。 |
编辑当在脚本中访问地理坐标点的值时,该值将作为 GeoPoint
对象返回,该对象允许分别访问 .lat
和 .lon
def geopoint = doc['location'].value; def lat = geopoint.lat; def lon = geopoint.lon;
出于性能原因,最好直接访问 lat/lon 值
def lat = doc['location'].lat; def lon = doc['location'].lon;
编辑合成 _source
仅适用于 TSDB 索引(将 index.mode
设置为 time_series
的索引)。对于其他索引,合成 _source
处于技术预览状态。技术预览中的功能可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力解决任何问题,但技术预览中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。
合成源可能会对 geo_point
resp = client.indices.create( index="idx", settings={ "index": { "mapping": { "source": { "mode": "synthetic" } } } }, mappings={ "properties": { "point": { "type": "geo_point" } } }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.index( index="idx", id="1", document={ "point": [ { "lat": -90, "lon": -80 }, { "lat": 10, "lon": 30 } ] }, ) print(resp1)
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "idx", settings: { index: { mapping: { source: { mode: "synthetic", }, }, }, }, mappings: { properties: { point: { type: "geo_point", }, }, }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.index({ index: "idx", id: 1, document: { point: [ { lat: -90, lon: -80, }, { lat: 10, lon: 30, }, ], }, }); console.log(response1);
PUT idx { "settings": { "index": { "mapping": { "source": { "mode": "synthetic" } } } }, "mappings": { "properties": { "point": { "type": "geo_point" } } } } PUT idx/_doc/1 { "point": [ {"lat":-90, "lon":-80}, {"lat":10, "lon":30} ] }
{ "point": [ {"lat":-90.0, "lon":-80.00000000931323}, {"lat":9.999999990686774, "lon":29.999999972060323} ] }