EQL 搜索
编辑EQL 搜索编辑
事件查询语言 (EQL) 是一种用于基于事件的时间序列数据(如日志、指标和跟踪)的查询语言。
EQL 的优势编辑
EQL 允许您表达事件之间的关系。
许多查询语言允许您匹配单个事件。EQL 允许您跨不同的事件类别和时间跨度匹配一系列事件。 -
EQL 的学习曲线很低。
EQL 语法 看起来像其他常见的查询语言,例如 SQL。EQL 允许您直观地编写和阅读查询,从而实现快速、迭代的搜索。 -
EQL 专为安全用例而设计。
虽然您可以将它用于任何基于事件的数据,但我们创建 EQL 是为了进行威胁搜寻。EQL 不仅支持入侵指标 (IOC) 搜索,还可以描述超出 IOC 的活动。
除示例查询外,EQL 搜索要求被搜索的数据流或索引包含一个*时间戳*字段。默认情况下,EQL 使用 Elastic 通用模式 (ECS) 中的 @timestamp
EQL 搜索还需要一个*事件类别*字段,除非您使用 any
关键字 来搜索没有事件类别字段的文档。默认情况下,EQL 使用 ECS event.category
要使用不同的时间戳或事件类别字段,请参阅 指定时间戳或事件类别字段。
虽然使用 EQL 不需要任何模式,但我们建议使用 ECS。EQL 搜索默认情况下设计为与核心 ECS 字段一起使用。
运行 EQL 搜索编辑
使用 EQL 搜索 API 来运行 基本 EQL 查询。
response = client.eql.search( index: 'my-data-stream', body: { query: "\n process where process.name == \"regsvr32.exe\"\n " } ) puts response
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """ }
默认情况下,基本 EQL 查询在 hits.events
属性中返回 10 个最近匹配的事件。这些匹配项按时间戳排序,转换为自 Unix 时间戳 以来的毫秒数,按升序排列。
{ "is_partial": false, "is_running": false, "took": 60, "timed_out": false, "hits": { "total": { "value": 2, "relation": "eq" }, "events": [ { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "OQmfCaduce8zoHT93o4H", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:09.000Z", "event": { "category": "process", "id": "aR3NWVOs", "sequence": 4 }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "regsvr32.exe", "command_line": "regsvr32.exe /s /u /i:https://...RegSvr32.sct scrobj.dll", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" } } }, { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "xLkCaj4EujzdNSxfYLbO", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:10.000Z", "event": { "category": "process", "id": "GTSmSqgz0U", "sequence": 6, "type": "termination" }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "regsvr32.exe", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" } } } ] } }
使用 size
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """, "size": 50 }
使用 EQL 的 序列语法 来搜索一系列有序事件。按时间顺序排列事件项,最近的事件排在最后
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence [ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" ] [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] """ }
响应的 hits.sequences
属性包含 10 个最近匹配的序列。
{ ... "hits": { "total": ..., "sequences": [ { "events": [ { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "OQmfCaduce8zoHT93o4H", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:09.000Z", "event": { "category": "process", "id": "aR3NWVOs", "sequence": 4 }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "regsvr32.exe", "command_line": "regsvr32.exe /s /u /i:https://...RegSvr32.sct scrobj.dll", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" } } }, { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "yDwnGIJouOYGBzP0ZE9n", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:10.000Z", "event": { "category": "file", "id": "tZ1NWVOs", "sequence": 5 }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "regsvr32.exe", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" }, "file": { "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\scrobj.dll", "name": "scrobj.dll" } } } ] } ] } }
使用 with maxspan
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence with maxspan=1h [ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" ] [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] """ }
使用 !
来匹配 缺失事件:序列中在给定时间跨度内不满足条件的事件
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence with maxspan=1d [ process where process.name == "cmd.exe" ] ![ process where stringContains(process.command_line, "ocx") ] [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] """ }
缺失事件在响应中表示为 missing": true
{ ... "hits": { "total": ..., "sequences": [ { "events": [ { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2023.07.04-000001", "_id": "AnpTIYkBrVQ2QEgsWg94", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:06:07.000Z", "event": { "category": "process", "id": "cMyt5SZ2", "sequence": 3 }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "cmd.exe", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" } } }, { "_index": "", "_id": "", "_source": {}, "missing": true }, { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2023.07.04-000001", "_id": "BHpTIYkBrVQ2QEgsWg94", "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:10.000Z", "event": { "category": "file", "id": "tZ1NWVOs", "sequence": 5 }, "process": { "pid": 2012, "name": "regsvr32.exe", "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" }, "file": { "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\scrobj.dll", "name": "scrobj.dll" } } } ] } ] } }
使用 by
关键字 来匹配共享相同字段值的事件
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence with maxspan=1h [ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" ] by process.pid [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] by process.pid """ }
如果字段值应该在所有事件中共享,请使用 sequence by
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence by process.pid with maxspan=1h [ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" ] [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] """ }
{ ... "hits": ..., "sequences": [ { "join_keys": [ 2012 ], "events": ... } ] } }
使用 until
关键字 为序列指定过期事件。匹配序列必须在此事件之前结束。
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ sequence by process.pid with maxspan=1h [ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" ] [ file where stringContains(file.name, "scrobj.dll") ] until [ process where event.type == "termination" ] """ }
使用 EQL 的 样本语法 来搜索匹配一个或多个连接键和一组过滤器的事件。样本类似于序列,但不按时间顺序返回事件。事实上,样本查询可以在没有时间戳的数据上运行。样本查询可用于查找并非总是在同一序列中发生或跨越长时间跨度发生的事件中的关联。
response = client.indices.create( index: 'my-index-000001', body: { mappings: { properties: { ip: { type: 'ip' }, version: { type: 'version' }, missing_keyword: { type: 'keyword' }, "@timestamp": { type: 'date' }, type_test: { type: 'keyword' }, "@timestamp_pretty": { type: 'date', format: 'dd-MM-yyyy' }, event_type: { type: 'keyword' }, event: { properties: { category: { type: 'alias', path: 'event_type' } } }, host: { type: 'keyword' }, os: { type: 'keyword' }, bool: { type: 'boolean' }, uptime: { type: 'long' }, port: { type: 'long' } } } } ) puts response response = client.indices.create( index: 'my-index-000002', body: { mappings: { properties: { ip: { type: 'ip' }, "@timestamp": { type: 'date' }, "@timestamp_pretty": { type: 'date', format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' }, type_test: { type: 'keyword' }, event_type: { type: 'keyword' }, event: { properties: { category: { type: 'alias', path: 'event_type' } } }, host: { type: 'keyword' }, op_sys: { type: 'keyword' }, bool: { type: 'boolean' }, uptime: { type: 'long' }, port: { type: 'long' } } } } ) puts response response = client.indices.create( index: 'my-index-000003', body: { mappings: { properties: { host_ip: { type: 'ip' }, "@timestamp": { type: 'date' }, date: { type: 'date' }, event_type: { type: 'keyword' }, event: { properties: { category: { type: 'alias', path: 'event_type' } } }, missing_keyword: { type: 'keyword' }, host: { type: 'keyword' }, os: { type: 'keyword' }, bool: { type: 'boolean' }, uptime: { type: 'long' }, port: { type: 'long' } } } } ) puts response response = client.bulk( index: 'my-index-000001', refresh: true, body: [ { index: { _id: 1 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567891', "@timestamp_pretty": '12-12-2022', missing_keyword: 'test', type_test: 'abc', ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', uptime: 0, port: 1234, os: 'win10', version: '1.0.0', id: 11 }, { index: { _id: 2 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567892', "@timestamp_pretty": '13-12-2022', event_type: 'alert', type_test: 'abc', host: 'CS', uptime: 5, port: 1, os: 'win10', version: '1.2.0', id: 12 }, { index: { _id: 3 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567893', "@timestamp_pretty": '12-12-2022', event_type: 'alert', type_test: 'abc', host: 'farcry', uptime: 1, port: 1234, bool: false, os: 'win10', version: '2.0.0', id: 13 }, { index: { _id: 4 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567894', "@timestamp_pretty": '13-12-2022', event_type: 'alert', type_test: 'abc', host: 'GTA', uptime: 3, port: 12, os: 'slack', version: '10.0.0', id: 14 }, { index: { _id: 5 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567895', "@timestamp_pretty": '17-12-2022', event_type: 'alert', host: 'sniper 3d', uptime: 6, port: 1234, os: 'fedora', version: '20.1.0', id: 15 }, { index: { _id: 6 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234568896', "@timestamp_pretty": '17-12-2022', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', port: 65_123, bool: true, os: 'redhat', version: '20.10.0', id: 16 }, { index: { _id: 7 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567897', "@timestamp_pretty": '17-12-2022', missing_keyword: 'yyy', event_type: 'failure', host: 'doom', uptime: 15, port: 1234, bool: true, os: 'redhat', version: '20.2.0', id: 17 }, { index: { _id: 8 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567898', "@timestamp_pretty": '12-12-2022', missing_keyword: 'test', event_type: 'success', host: 'doom', uptime: 16, port: 512, os: 'win10', version: '1.2.3', id: 18 }, { index: { _id: 9 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567899', "@timestamp_pretty": '15-12-2022', missing_keyword: 'test', event_type: 'success', host: 'GTA', port: 12, bool: true, os: 'win10', version: '1.2.3', id: 19 }, { index: { _id: 10 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567893', missing_keyword: nil, ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'farcry', uptime: 1, port: 1234, bool: true, os: 'win10', version: '1.2.3', id: 110 } ] ) puts response response = client.bulk( index: 'my-index-000002', refresh: true, body: [ { index: { _id: 1 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567991', type_test: 'abc', ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', uptime: 0, port: 1234, op_sys: 'win10', id: 21 }, { index: { _id: 2 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567992', type_test: 'abc', event_type: 'alert', host: 'CS', uptime: 5, port: 1, op_sys: 'win10', id: 22 }, { index: { _id: 3 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567993', type_test: 'abc', "@timestamp_pretty": '2022-12-17', event_type: 'alert', host: 'farcry', uptime: 1, port: 1234, bool: false, op_sys: 'win10', id: 23 }, { index: { _id: 4 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567994', event_type: 'alert', host: 'GTA', uptime: 3, port: 12, op_sys: 'slack', id: 24 }, { index: { _id: 5 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567995', event_type: 'alert', host: 'sniper 3d', uptime: 6, port: 1234, op_sys: 'fedora', id: 25 }, { index: { _id: 6 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234568996', "@timestamp_pretty": '2022-12-17', ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', port: 65_123, bool: true, op_sys: 'redhat', id: 26 }, { index: { _id: 7 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567997', "@timestamp_pretty": '2022-12-17', event_type: 'failure', host: 'doom', uptime: 15, port: 1234, bool: true, op_sys: 'redhat', id: 27 }, { index: { _id: 8 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567998', ip: '', event_type: 'success', host: 'doom', uptime: 16, port: 512, op_sys: 'win10', id: 28 }, { index: { _id: 9 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567999', ip: '', event_type: 'success', host: 'GTA', port: 12, bool: false, op_sys: 'win10', id: 29 } ] ) puts response response = client.bulk( index: 'my-index-000003', refresh: true, body: [ { index: { _id: 1 } }, { "@timestamp": '1334567891', host_ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', uptime: 0, port: 12, os: 'win10', id: 31 }, { index: { _id: 2 } }, { "@timestamp": '1334567892', event_type: 'alert', host: 'CS', os: 'win10', id: 32 }, { index: { _id: 3 } }, { "@timestamp": '1334567893', event_type: 'alert', host: 'farcry', bool: true, os: 'win10', id: 33 }, { index: { _id: 4 } }, { "@timestamp": '1334567894', event_type: 'alert', host: 'GTA', os: 'slack', bool: true, id: 34 }, { index: { _id: 5 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567895', event_type: 'alert', host: 'sniper 3d', os: 'fedora', id: 35 }, { index: { _id: 6 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234578896', host_ip: '', event_type: 'alert', host: 'doom', bool: true, os: 'redhat', id: 36 }, { index: { _id: 7 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234567897', event_type: 'failure', missing_keyword: 'test', host: 'doom', bool: true, os: 'redhat', id: 37 }, { index: { _id: 8 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234577898', event_type: 'success', host: 'doom', os: 'win10', id: 38, date: '1671235200000' }, { index: { _id: 9 } }, { "@timestamp": '1234577899', host_ip: '', event_type: 'success', host: 'GTA', bool: true, os: 'win10', id: 39 } ] ) puts response
PUT /my-index-000001 { "mappings": { "properties": { "ip": { "type":"ip" }, "version": { "type": "version" }, "missing_keyword": { "type": "keyword" }, "@timestamp": { "type": "date" }, "type_test": { "type": "keyword" }, "@timestamp_pretty": { "type": "date", "format": "dd-MM-yyyy" }, "event_type": { "type": "keyword" }, "event": { "properties": { "category": { "type": "alias", "path": "event_type" } } }, "host": { "type": "keyword" }, "os": { "type": "keyword" }, "bool": { "type": "boolean" }, "uptime" : { "type" : "long" }, "port" : { "type" : "long" } } } } PUT /my-index-000002 { "mappings": { "properties": { "ip": { "type":"ip" }, "@timestamp": { "type": "date" }, "@timestamp_pretty": { "type": "date", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd" }, "type_test": { "type": "keyword" }, "event_type": { "type": "keyword" }, "event": { "properties": { "category": { "type": "alias", "path": "event_type" } } }, "host": { "type": "keyword" }, "op_sys": { "type": "keyword" }, "bool": { "type": "boolean" }, "uptime" : { "type" : "long" }, "port" : { "type" : "long" } } } } PUT /my-index-000003 { "mappings": { "properties": { "host_ip": { "type":"ip" }, "@timestamp": { "type": "date" }, "date": { "type": "date" }, "event_type": { "type": "keyword" }, "event": { "properties": { "category": { "type": "alias", "path": "event_type" } } }, "missing_keyword": { "type": "keyword" }, "host": { "type": "keyword" }, "os": { "type": "keyword" }, "bool": { "type": "boolean" }, "uptime" : { "type" : "long" }, "port" : { "type" : "long" } } } } POST /my-index-000001/_bulk?refresh {"index":{"_id":1}} {"@timestamp":"1234567891","@timestamp_pretty":"12-12-2022","missing_keyword":"test","type_test":"abc","ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","uptime":0,"port":1234,"os":"win10","version":"1.0.0","id":11} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"@timestamp":"1234567892","@timestamp_pretty":"13-12-2022","event_type":"alert","type_test":"abc","host":"CS","uptime":5,"port":1,"os":"win10","version":"1.2.0","id":12} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"@timestamp":"1234567893","@timestamp_pretty":"12-12-2022","event_type":"alert","type_test":"abc","host":"farcry","uptime":1,"port":1234,"bool":false,"os":"win10","version":"2.0.0","id":13} {"index":{"_id":4}} {"@timestamp":"1234567894","@timestamp_pretty":"13-12-2022","event_type":"alert","type_test":"abc","host":"GTA","uptime":3,"port":12,"os":"slack","version":"10.0.0","id":14} {"index":{"_id":5}} {"@timestamp":"1234567895","@timestamp_pretty":"17-12-2022","event_type":"alert","host":"sniper 3d","uptime":6,"port":1234,"os":"fedora","version":"20.1.0","id":15} {"index":{"_id":6}} {"@timestamp":"1234568896","@timestamp_pretty":"17-12-2022","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","port":65123,"bool":true,"os":"redhat","version":"20.10.0","id":16} {"index":{"_id":7}} {"@timestamp":"1234567897","@timestamp_pretty":"17-12-2022","missing_keyword":"yyy","event_type":"failure","host":"doom","uptime":15,"port":1234,"bool":true,"os":"redhat","version":"20.2.0","id":17} {"index":{"_id":8}} {"@timestamp":"1234567898","@timestamp_pretty":"12-12-2022","missing_keyword":"test","event_type":"success","host":"doom","uptime":16,"port":512,"os":"win10","version":"1.2.3","id":18} {"index":{"_id":9}} {"@timestamp":"1234567899","@timestamp_pretty":"15-12-2022","missing_keyword":"test","event_type":"success","host":"GTA","port":12,"bool":true,"os":"win10","version":"1.2.3","id":19} {"index":{"_id":10}} {"@timestamp":"1234567893","missing_keyword":null,"ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"farcry","uptime":1,"port":1234,"bool":true,"os":"win10","version":"1.2.3","id":110} POST /my-index-000002/_bulk?refresh {"index":{"_id":1}} {"@timestamp":"1234567991","type_test":"abc","ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","uptime":0,"port":1234,"op_sys":"win10","id":21} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"@timestamp":"1234567992","type_test":"abc","event_type":"alert","host":"CS","uptime":5,"port":1,"op_sys":"win10","id":22} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"@timestamp":"1234567993","type_test":"abc","@timestamp_pretty":"2022-12-17","event_type":"alert","host":"farcry","uptime":1,"port":1234,"bool":false,"op_sys":"win10","id":23} {"index":{"_id":4}} {"@timestamp":"1234567994","event_type":"alert","host":"GTA","uptime":3,"port":12,"op_sys":"slack","id":24} {"index":{"_id":5}} {"@timestamp":"1234567995","event_type":"alert","host":"sniper 3d","uptime":6,"port":1234,"op_sys":"fedora","id":25} {"index":{"_id":6}} {"@timestamp":"1234568996","@timestamp_pretty":"2022-12-17","ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","port":65123,"bool":true,"op_sys":"redhat","id":26} {"index":{"_id":7}} {"@timestamp":"1234567997","@timestamp_pretty":"2022-12-17","event_type":"failure","host":"doom","uptime":15,"port":1234,"bool":true,"op_sys":"redhat","id":27} {"index":{"_id":8}} {"@timestamp":"1234567998","ip":"","event_type":"success","host":"doom","uptime":16,"port":512,"op_sys":"win10","id":28} {"index":{"_id":9}} {"@timestamp":"1234567999","ip":"","event_type":"success","host":"GTA","port":12,"bool":false,"op_sys":"win10","id":29} POST /my-index-000003/_bulk?refresh {"index":{"_id":1}} {"@timestamp":"1334567891","host_ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","uptime":0,"port":12,"os":"win10","id":31} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"@timestamp":"1334567892","event_type":"alert","host":"CS","os":"win10","id":32} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"@timestamp":"1334567893","event_type":"alert","host":"farcry","bool":true,"os":"win10","id":33} {"index":{"_id":4}} {"@timestamp":"1334567894","event_type":"alert","host":"GTA","os":"slack","bool":true,"id":34} {"index":{"_id":5}} {"@timestamp":"1234567895","event_type":"alert","host":"sniper 3d","os":"fedora","id":35} {"index":{"_id":6}} {"@timestamp":"1234578896","host_ip":"","event_type":"alert","host":"doom","bool":true,"os":"redhat","id":36} {"index":{"_id":7}} {"@timestamp":"1234567897","event_type":"failure","missing_keyword":"test","host":"doom","bool":true,"os":"redhat","id":37} {"index":{"_id":8}} {"@timestamp":"1234577898","event_type":"success","host":"doom","os":"win10","id":38,"date":"1671235200000"} {"index":{"_id":9}} {"@timestamp":"1234577899","host_ip":"","event_type":"success","host":"GTA","bool":true,"os":"win10","id":39}
样本查询使用 by
关键字 指定至少一个连接键,以及最多五个过滤器
GET /my-index*/_eql/search { "query": """ sample by host [any where uptime > 0] [any where port > 100] [any where bool == true] """ }
默认情况下,响应的 hits.sequences
属性包含最多 10 个样本。每个样本都有一组 join_keys
{ ... "hits": { "total": { "value": 2, "relation": "eq" }, "sequences": [ { "join_keys": [ "doom" ], "events": [ { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "7", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567897", "@timestamp_pretty": "17-12-2022", "missing_keyword": "yyy", "event_type": "failure", "host": "doom", "uptime": 15, "port": 1234, "bool": true, "os": "redhat", "version": "20.2.0", "id": 17 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "1", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567891", "@timestamp_pretty": "12-12-2022", "missing_keyword": "test", "type_test": "abc", "ip": "", "event_type": "alert", "host": "doom", "uptime": 0, "port": 1234, "os": "win10", "version": "1.0.0", "id": 11 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "6", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234568896", "@timestamp_pretty": "17-12-2022", "event_type": "alert", "host": "doom", "port": 65123, "bool": true, "os": "redhat", "version": "20.10.0", "id": 16 } } ] }, { "join_keys": [ "farcry" ], "events": [ { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "3", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567893", "@timestamp_pretty": "12-12-2022", "event_type": "alert", "type_test": "abc", "host": "farcry", "uptime": 1, "port": 1234, "bool": false, "os": "win10", "version": "2.0.0", "id": 13 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "10", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567893", "missing_keyword": null, "ip": "", "event_type": "alert", "host": "farcry", "uptime": 1, "port": 1234, "bool": true, "os": "win10", "version": "1.2.3", "id": 110 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000003", "_id": "3", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1334567893", "event_type": "alert", "host": "farcry", "bool": true, "os": "win10", "id": 33 } } ] } ] } }
GET /my-index*/_eql/search { "query": """ sample by host [any where uptime > 0] by os [any where port > 100] by op_sys [any where bool == true] by os """ }
此查询将返回样本,其中每个事件的 os
或 op_sys
以及 host
{ ... "hits": { "total": { "value": 2, "relation": "eq" }, "sequences": [ { "join_keys": [ "doom", "redhat" ], "events": [ { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "7", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567897", "@timestamp_pretty": "17-12-2022", "missing_keyword": "yyy", "event_type": "failure", "host": "doom", "uptime": 15, "port": 1234, "bool": true, "os": "redhat", "version": "20.2.0", "id": 17 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000002", "_id": "6", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234568996", "@timestamp_pretty": "2022-12-17", "ip": "", "event_type": "alert", "host": "doom", "port": 65123, "bool": true, "op_sys": "redhat", "id": 26 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "6", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234568896", "@timestamp_pretty": "17-12-2022", "event_type": "alert", "host": "doom", "port": 65123, "bool": true, "os": "redhat", "version": "20.10.0", "id": 16 } } ] }, { "join_keys": [ "farcry", "win10" ], "events": [ { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "3", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567893", "@timestamp_pretty": "12-12-2022", "event_type": "alert", "type_test": "abc", "host": "farcry", "uptime": 1, "port": 1234, "bool": false, "os": "win10", "version": "2.0.0", "id": 13 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000002", "_id": "3", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567993", "type_test": "abc", "@timestamp_pretty": "2022-12-17", "event_type": "alert", "host": "farcry", "uptime": 1, "port": 1234, "bool": false, "op_sys": "win10", "id": 23 } }, { "_index": "my-index-000001", "_id": "10", "_source": { "@timestamp": "1234567893", "missing_keyword": null, "ip": "", "event_type": "alert", "host": "farcry", "uptime": 1, "port": 1234, "bool": true, "os": "win10", "version": "1.2.3", "id": 110 } } ] } ] } }
默认情况下,样本查询的响应包含最多 10 个样本,每组唯一连接键对应一个样本。使用 size
参数来获取更小或更大的样本集。要检索每组连接键对应多个样本,请使用 max_samples_per_key
GET /my-index*/_eql/search { "max_samples_per_key": 2, "size": 20, "query": """ sample [any where uptime > 0] by host,os [any where port > 100] by host,op_sys [any where bool == true] by host,os """ }
默认情况下,搜索响应中的每个匹配项都包含文档 _source
,它是索引文档时提供的完整 JSON 对象。
您可以使用 filter_path
查询参数来过滤 API 响应。例如,以下搜索仅返回每个匹配事件的 _source
中的时间戳和 PID。
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search?filter_path=hits.events._source.@timestamp,hits.events._source.process.pid { "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """ }
API 返回以下响应。
{ "hits": { "events": [ { "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:09.000Z", "process": { "pid": 2012 } } }, { "_source": { "@timestamp": "2099-12-07T11:07:10.000Z", "process": { "pid": 2012 } } } ] } }
您还可以使用 fields
参数在响应中检索和格式化特定字段。此字段与搜索 API 的 fields
参数 相同。
因为它会参考索引映射,所以 fields
参数比直接引用 _source
以下搜索请求使用 fields
参数来检索 event.type
字段、所有以 process.
开头的字段以及 @timestamp
字段的值。该请求还使用 filter_path
查询参数来排除每个匹配项的 _source
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search?filter_path=-hits.events._source { "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """, "fields": [ "event.type", "process.*", { "field": "@timestamp", "format": "epoch_millis" } ] }
响应在每个匹配项的 fields
{ ... "hits": { "total": ..., "events": [ { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "OQmfCaduce8zoHT93o4H", "fields": { "process.name": [ "regsvr32.exe" ], "process.name.keyword": [ "regsvr32.exe" ], "@timestamp": [ "4100324829000" ], "process.command_line": [ "regsvr32.exe /s /u /i:https://...RegSvr32.sct scrobj.dll" ], "process.command_line.keyword": [ "regsvr32.exe /s /u /i:https://...RegSvr32.sct scrobj.dll" ], "process.executable.keyword": [ "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" ], "process.pid": [ 2012 ], "process.executable": [ "C:\\Windows\\System32\\regsvr32.exe" ] } }, .... ] } }
使用 runtime_mappings
参数在搜索期间提取和创建 运行时字段。使用 fields
以下搜索从 @timestamp
创建一个 day_of_week
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search?filter_path=-hits.events._source { "runtime_mappings": { "day_of_week": { "type": "keyword", "script": "emit(doc['@timestamp'].value.dayOfWeekEnum.toString())" } }, "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """, "fields": [ "@timestamp", "day_of_week" ] }
API 返回
{ ... "hits": { "total": ..., "events": [ { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-2099.12.07-000001", "_id": "OQmfCaduce8zoHT93o4H", "fields": { "@timestamp": [ "2099-12-07T11:07:09.000Z" ], "day_of_week": [ "MONDAY" ] } }, .... ] } }
EQL 搜索 API 默认使用 ECS 中的 @timestamp
和 event.category
字段。要指定不同的字段,请使用 timestamp_field
和 event_category_field
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "timestamp_field": "file.accessed", "event_category_field": "file.type", "query": """ file where (file.size > 1 and file.type == "file") """ }
事件类别字段必须映射为 keyword
系列字段类型。时间戳字段应映射为 date
时间戳字段不受支持。您不能使用 nested
字段或 nested
默认情况下,EQL 搜索 API 按时间戳返回匹配项。如果两个或多个事件共享相同的时间戳,则 Elasticsearch 使用决胜局字段值按升序对事件进行排序。Elasticsearch 会在具有值的事件之后对没有决胜局值的事件进行排序。
如果您没有指定决胜局字段,或者事件也共享相同的决胜局值,则 Elasticsearch 会将这些事件视为并发事件,并且可能不会以一致的排序顺序返回它们。
要指定决胜字段,请使用 tiebreaker_field
参数。如果您使用的是 ECS,我们建议使用 event.sequence
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "tiebreaker_field": "event.sequence", "query": """ process where process.name == "cmd.exe" and stringContains(process.executable, "System32") """ }
使用查询 DSL 进行过滤edit
参数使用 查询 DSL 来限制 EQL 查询运行所依据的文档。
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "filter": { "range": { "@timestamp": { "gte": "now-1d/d", "lt": "now/d" } } }, "query": """ file where (file.type == "file" and file.name == "cmd.exe") """ }
运行异步 EQL 搜索edit
默认情况下,EQL 搜索请求是同步的,会在返回响应之前等待完整的结果。但是,对于跨大型数据集或 冻结 数据的搜索,完整结果可能需要更长时间。
为避免长时间等待,请运行异步 EQL 搜索。将 wait_for_completion_timeout
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "wait_for_completion_timeout": "2s", "query": """ process where process.name == "cmd.exe" """ }
- 搜索 ID
{ "id": "FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=", "is_partial": true, "is_running": true, "took": 2000, "timed_out": false, "hits": ... }
要检查异步搜索的进度,请将 获取异步 EQL 搜索 API 与搜索 ID 一起使用。在 wait_for_completion_timeout
response = client.eql.get( id: 'FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=', wait_for_completion_timeout: '2s' ) puts response
GET /_eql/search/FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=?wait_for_completion_timeout=2s
如果响应的 is_running
值为 false
,则异步搜索已完成。如果 is_partial
值为 false
{ "id": "FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=", "is_partial": false, "is_running": false, "took": 2000, "timed_out": false, "hits": ... }
另一种更轻量级的检查异步搜索进度的方法是将 获取异步 EQL 状态 API 与搜索 ID 一起使用。
response = client.eql.get_status( id: 'FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=' ) puts response
GET /_eql/search/status/FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=
{ "id": "FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=", "is_running": false, "is_partial": false, "expiration_time_in_millis": 1611690295000, "completion_status": 200 }
默认情况下,EQL 搜索 API 会将异步搜索存储五天。在此期限之后,任何搜索及其结果都将被删除。使用 keep_alive
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "keep_alive": "2d", "wait_for_completion_timeout": "2s", "query": """ process where process.name == "cmd.exe" """ }
您可以使用 获取异步 EQL 搜索 API 的 keep_alive
参数来稍后更改保留期限。新的保留期限在 get 请求运行后开始。
response = client.eql.get( id: 'FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=', keep_alive: '5d' ) puts response
GET /_eql/search/FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=?keep_alive=5d
使用 删除异步 EQL 搜索 API 在 keep_alive
期限结束之前手动删除异步 EQL 搜索。如果搜索仍在进行中,Elasticsearch 会取消搜索请求。
response = client.eql.delete( id: 'FmNJRUZ1YWZCU3dHY1BIOUhaenVSRkEaaXFlZ3h4c1RTWFNocDdnY2FSaERnUTozNDE=' ) puts response
存储同步 EQL 搜索edit
默认情况下,EQL 搜索 API 仅存储异步搜索。要保存同步搜索,请将 keep_on_completion
设置为 true
GET /my-data-stream/_eql/search { "keep_on_completion": true, "wait_for_completion_timeout": "2s", "query": """ process where process.name == "cmd.exe" """ }
响应中包含搜索 ID。is_partial
和 is_running
为 false
,表示 EQL 搜索是同步的并返回了完整的结果。
{ "id": "FjlmbndxNmJjU0RPdExBTGg0elNOOEEaQk9xSjJBQzBRMldZa1VVQ2pPa01YUToxMDY=", "is_partial": false, "is_running": false, "took": 52, "timed_out": false, "hits": ... }
使用 获取异步 EQL 搜索 API 稍后获取相同的结果
response = client.eql.get( id: 'FjlmbndxNmJjU0RPdExBTGg0elNOOEEaQk9xSjJBQzBRMldZa1VVQ2pPa01YUToxMDY=' ) puts response
GET /_eql/search/FjlmbndxNmJjU0RPdExBTGg0elNOOEEaQk9xSjJBQzBRMldZa1VVQ2pPa01YUToxMDY=
保存的同步搜索仍受 keep_alive
您还可以使用 获取异步 EQL 状态 API 仅检查已保存同步搜索的状态,而不检查结果。
您还可以使用 删除异步 EQL 搜索 API 手动删除已保存的同步搜索。
跨集群运行 EQL 搜索edit
此功能处于技术预览阶段,可能会在未来版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。
EQL 搜索 API 支持 跨集群搜索。但是,如果本地集群和 远程集群 的版本低于 7.17.7(含)或 8.5.1(含),则它们必须使用相同的 Elasticsearch 版本。
以下 集群更新设置 请求添加了两个远程集群:cluster_one
和 cluster_two
response = client.cluster.put_settings( body: { persistent: { cluster: { remote: { cluster_one: { seeds: [ '' ] }, cluster_two: { seeds: [ '' ] } } } } } ) puts response
PUT /_cluster/settings { "persistent": { "cluster": { "remote": { "cluster_one": { "seeds": [ "" ] }, "cluster_two": { "seeds": [ "" ] } } } } }
要定位远程集群上的数据流或索引,请使用 <cluster>:<target>
GET /cluster_one:my-data-stream,cluster_two:my-data-stream/_eql/search { "query": """ process where process.name == "regsvr32.exe" """ }
EQL 断路器设置edit
相关的断路器设置可以在 “断路器”页面 中找到。