
Jonas Kunz

APM 代理首席工程师


Announcing GA of Elastic distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java Agent

Announcing GA of Elastic distribution of the OpenTelemetry Java Agent

Elastic announces general availability of the Elastic distribution of the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Java Agent, a fully OTel-compatible agent with a rich set of useful additional features.

Alexander Wert

Jack Shirazi

Jonas Kunz

Sylvain Juge

Combining Elastic Universal Profiling with Java APM Services and Traces
OpenTelemetryUniversal ProfilingAPM

Combining Elastic Universal Profiling with Java APM Services and Traces

Learn how to combine the power of Elastic universal profiling with APM data from Java services to easily pinpoint CPU bottlenecks. Compatible with both OpenTelemetry and the classic Elastic APM Agent.

Jonas Kunz

Revealing unknowns in your tracing data with inferred spans in OpenTelemetry

Revealing unknowns in your tracing data with inferred spans in OpenTelemetry

Distributed tracing is essential in understanding complex systems, but it can miss latency issue details. By combining profiling techniques with distributed tracing, Elastic provides the inferred spans feature as an extension for the OTel Java SDK.

Jonas Kunz

Alexander Wert

Beyond the trace: Pinpointing performance culprits with continuous profiling and distributed tracing correlation
Universal ProfilingAPMOpenTelemetry

Beyond the trace: Pinpointing performance culprits with continuous profiling and distributed tracing correlation

Frustrated by slow traces but unsure where the code bottleneck lies? Elastic Universal Profiling correlates profiling stacktraces with OpenTelemetry (OTel) traces, helping you identify and pinpoint the exact lines of code causing performance issues.

Joel Höner

Israel Ogbole

Jonas Kunz

Elastic's contribution: Invokedynamic in the OpenTelemetry Java agent

Elastic's contribution: Invokedynamic in the OpenTelemetry Java agent

The instrumentation approach in OpenTelemetry's Java Agent comes with some limitations with respect to maintenance and testability. Elastic contributes an invokedynamic-based instrumentation approach that helps overcoming these limitations.

Alexander Wert

Jack Shirazi

Jonas Kunz

Sylvain Juge