- 要了解 Elastic 当前如何评估我们产品中此漏洞的内部风险,请参阅此处的公告。
- 自最初发布以来,本博客已更新(2021 年 12 月 17 日),包含进一步的检测和搜索改进。
本博客文章提供了 CVE-2021-44228 的摘要,并为 Elastic Security 用户提供了检测方法,以在其环境中查找该漏洞的活跃利用。
当我们了解更多信息时,将在此帖子中提供进一步的更新。此版本截至 2021 年 12 月 14 日星期二为止准确。可以经由 Log4j2 的 安全页面直接调查 Apache 的更新。
CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) 摘要
Log4j2 是一个开源日志记录框架,它被整合到最终用户系统和服务器上的许多基于 Java 的应用程序中。在 2021 年 11 月下旬,阿里巴巴的 Chen Zhaojun 发现了一个远程代码执行漏洞,该漏洞最终在 CVE ID 下报告:CVE-2021-44228,于 2021 年 12 月 10 日向公众发布。该漏洞通过不正确地反序列化传递到框架中的用户输入来利用。它允许远程代码执行,并且可以允许攻击者泄漏敏感数据(例如环境变量),或在目标系统上执行恶意软件。
已发现的漏洞会影响从 2.0-beta9 到 2.14.1 的所有 Log4j2 版本。早期修补此问题的方法导致了许多候选版本,最终建议在发布此帖子时将框架升级到 Log4j2 2.15.0-rc2。
考虑到微不足道的复杂性和观察到的广泛利用的性质,在任何已确定利用 Log4j2 易受攻击版本的软件的环境中,都应考虑进行缓解至关重要。
在 Elastic Security 中检测 Log4Shell 漏洞的利用
Elastic Security 用户可以使用以下事件关联检测规则来识别 Log4j2 漏洞的活跃利用。根据基于主机的事件数据的格式,您可能需要修改此检测以匹配您的数据字段。
sequence by host.id with maxspan=1m
[network where event.action == "connection_attempted" and
process.name : "java" and
outbound connection attempt to
LDAP, RMI or DNS standard ports
by JAVA process
destination.port in (1389, 389, 1099, 53, 5353)] by process.pid
[process where event.type == "start" and
/* Suspicious JAVA child process */
process.parent.name : "java" and
process.name : ("sh",
"wget")] by process.parent.pid
使用 Auditbeat 数据时的检测规则
sequence by agent.id with maxspan=1m
[network where event.action == "connected-to" and
process.name : "java" and
outbound connection attempt to
LDAP, RMI or DNS standard ports
by JAVA process
destination.port in (1389, 389, 1099, 53, 5353)] by process.pid
[process where event.type == "start" and
/* Suspicious JAVA child process */
process.parent.name : "java" and
process.name : ("sh",
"wget")] by process.parent.pid
使用 Endgame 流式事件时的检测规则
sequence by agent.id with maxspan=1m
[network where event.category == "network" and
process.name : "java" and
outbound connection attempt to
LDAP, RMI or DNS standard ports
by JAVA process
destination.port in (1389, 389, 1099, 53, 5353)] by process.pid
[process where event.type == "start" and
/* Suspicious JAVA child process */
process.parent.name : "java" and
process.name : ("sh",
"wget")] by process.parent.pid
此检测规则查找 LDAP、RMI 和 DNS 标准端口的出站连接尝试序列(通常通过最近观察到的 JAVA/JNDI 注入攻击滥用),然后是同一 Java 进程实例的子进程。
现在,让我们演示一下此规则如何检测 log42j 漏洞的利用
上面的屏幕截图显示了攻击者利用漏洞,使用 base-64 编码的有效负载,目标是由 Christophe Tafani-Dereeper 创建的示例易受攻击的应用程序。
此屏幕截图显示了在 Elastic Security 中检测到 CVE-2021-44228 的活跃利用,其中详细说明了漏洞利用的警报和时间线视图。
上面的屏幕截图显示,在对检测警报的调查中,Java 执行了一个 shell 脚本来下载并运行 bash 脚本。
通过 Java 执行可疑的 Shell 命令
基于通过 log4j 漏洞利用提供的公开已知的恶意 Java 类,您可以搜索可疑的 shell 脚本和入口工具传输命令
process where event.type == "start" and
process.parent.name : "java*" and
/* Ingress tools transfer via common shell command interpreters */
/* linux or macos */
(process.name : ("sh", "bash", "python*") and
process.command_line : ("*curl*|*sh*", "*wget*|*bash", "*curl*|*bash*", "*curl*|*bash*", "*http*|*sh*", "*python*http*")) or
/* windows */
(process.name : ("powershell.exe", "pwsh.exe", "cmd.exe") and
process.command_line : ("*.downloadstring*", "*.downloadfile*", "*.downloaddata*", "*BitsTransfer*", "* -enc*", "* IEX*", "*wp-content*", "*wp-admin*", "*wp-includes*", "*$*$*$*$*$*", "*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*", "*.replace*", "*start-process*", "*http*", "*cmd*powershell*")))
通过 JAVA 执行不受信任的文件
标识何时 JAVA 解释器创建可执行文件 (PE/ELF) 并且随后执行该文件。
sequence by host.id with maxspan=5m
[ file where event.type != "deletion" and
process.name : ("java", "java.exe", "javaw.exe") and
(file.extension : ("exe", "com", "pif", "scr") or
/* Match Windows PE files by header data (MZ) */
file.Ext.header_bytes : ("4d5a*", "7f454c46*")) and
not file.path : ("?:\\Program Files\\*",
"?:\\Program Files (x86)\\*") ] by file.path
[ process where event.type == "start" and
not process.code_signature.trusted == true ] by process.executable
使用 Endgame 流式事件时的检测规则
sequence by agent.id with maxspan=5m
[ file where event.type != "deletion"
process.name : ("java", "java.exe", "javaw.exe")] by file_path
[ process where event.type == "start" and
not process.code_signature.trusted == true] by process_path
潜在的 CoinMiner 活动
具有加密货币矿工常用命令行的进程(大多数观察到的利用 log4j 漏洞的活动是 coinminer)
process where event.type == "start" and
process.command_line :
("* pool.*", "*-u*--coin*", "*.xmr.*", "*.xmr1.*",
"*stratum*", "*elitter.net*", "*cryptonight*",
"*-a scrypt*", "*stratum1*", "*-userpass*", "*-max-cpu-usage*",
"*qhor.net*", "*-wallet*pool*", "*--donate-level*", "*supportxmr.com*")
Elastic Endgame EQL 查询
可疑的 Java Netcon,然后是异常子进程
sequence with maxspan=5s
[network where process_name == "java*" and destination_port in (1389, 389, 1099, 53, 5353) and
destination_address != "" and not destination_address == "::1"] by pid
[process where opcode in (1,5) and
/* Suspicious JAVA child process */
parent_process_name == "java*" and
process_name in ("sh", "bash", "dash", "ksh", "tcsh", "zsh", "curl", "perl*", "python*", "ruby*", "php*", "wget", "powershell.exe", "cmd.exe")] by ppid
通过 Java 执行可疑的 Shell 命令
process where opcode in (1,5) and
parent_process_name == "java*" and
/* Ingress tools transfer via common shell command interpreters */
/* linux or macos */
(process_name in ("sh", "bash", "python") and
wildcard(command_line, "*curl*|*sh*", "*wget*|*bash", "*curl*|*bash*", "*curl*|*bash*", "*http*|*sh*", "*python*http*")) or
/* windows */
(process_name in ("powershell.exe", "pwsh.exe", "cmd.exe") and
wildcard(command_line,"*.downloadstring*", "*.downloadfile*", "*.downloaddata*", "*BitsTransfer*", "* -enc*", "* IEX*", "*wp-content*", "*wp-admin*", "*wp-includes*", "*$*$*$*$*$*", "*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*","*.replace*", "*start-process*", "*http*", "*cmd*powershell*")))
常见的 Coin Miner 作为 JAVA 的后代
process where opcode in (1, 3, 4, 5) and
descendant of [process where opcode in (1, 3, 4, 5) and process_name == "java*"] and
wildcard(command_line, "* pool.*", "*-u*--coin*", "*.xmr.*", "*.xmr1.*", "*stratum*", "*elitter.net*", "*cryptonight*", "*-a scrypt*", "*stratum1*",
"*-userpass*", "*-max-cpu-usage*", "*qhor.net*", "*-wallet*pool*", "*--donate-level*", "*supportxmr.com*",
/* evasion commands */
"*base64*", "*history -c*", "*ld.so.preload*", "*nmi_watchdog*", "*ufw*disable*", "*.bash_history*", "*chmod*+x*",
"*tor2web*", "*kill*-9*", "*python*-c*http*")
通过 JAVA 执行不受信任的文件
sequence with maxspan=2m
[ file where opcode != 2 and file_name == "*.exe" and process_name == "java*"] by file_path
[ process where opcode in (1,5)] by process_path
GreyNoise 团队分享了一系列有效载荷,包括编码和解码变体,供分析师探索其系统中存储的日志。此外,还提供了一个尝试利用该漏洞的初始标记 IP 列表。
Nextron Systems 的 Florian Roth 提供了使用 grep/zgrep 进行本地漏洞利用的一系列检查,以及他 Github 帐户上列出的 Gist 中的一些初始 YARA 签名。Florian 还分享了一种生成 Thinkst CanaryTokens 来测试您可能管理的系统是否具有可利用性的方法。
Rob Fuller (Mubix) 分享了一个已知框架易受攻击版本的已知文件哈希列表,在此处。
除了 Apache 团队关于部署最新的修补版 Log4j2 框架以进行更新的建议指导之外,还广泛提出了许多缓解措施以防止漏洞利用
Fastly 建议检查您的 Log4j 版本是否支持使用 JAVA_OPTS=-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true 执行 JVM,以禁用到远程服务器的查找功能。这应适用于 2.10.0 到 2.15.0 版本。
感谢您,来自 Elastic Security。
现有的 Elastic Security 可以在产品内访问这些功能。如果您是 Elastic Security 的新手,请查看我们的快速入门指南(快速入门的简短培训视频)或我们的免费基础培训课程。您可以随时开始免费试用 Elastic Cloud 14 天。或者下载免费的 Elastic Stack 自管理版本。