搜索应用程序搜索 API 和模板
编辑搜索应用程序搜索 API 和模板
编辑您的搜索应用程序使用搜索模板来执行搜索。模板通过仅公开模板参数来帮助降低复杂性,同时使用 Elasticsearch 查询 DSL 的全部功能来制定查询。模板可以在创建或更新搜索应用程序时设置,并且可以自定义。可以使用 Put 搜索应用程序 API API 调用随时编辑或更新此模板。
- 简化查询请求
- 减小请求大小
- 确保安全性和性能,因为查询是预定义的,不能任意更改
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ] }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1", "index2"], }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": ["index1", "index2"] }
然后,您可以使用获取搜索应用程序 API 调用来查看您新创建的搜索应用程序,其中还将包括为您创建的默认模板
resp = client.search_application.get( name="my_search_application", ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.get({ name: "my_search_application", }); console.log(response);
GET _application/search_application/my_search_application
{ "name": "my_search_application", "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "updated_at_millis": 1715802354482, "template": { "script": { "source": """{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "{{query_string}}", "default_field": "{{default_field}}" } } } """, "lang": "mustache", "params": { "default_field": "*", "query_string": "*" } } } }
{ "template": { "script": { "source": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "{{query_string}}", "default_field": "{{default_field}}" } } }, "params": { "query_string": "*", "default_field": "*" } } } }
此模板不支持其他参数,包括 from
或 boost
resp = client.search_application.render_query( name="my_search_application", body=None, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.renderQuery({ name: "my_search_application", body: null, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_render_query
{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "*", "default_field": "*", "fields": [] } } }
resp = client.search_application.render_query( name="my_search_application", body={ "params": { "query_string": "rock climbing" } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.renderQuery({ name: "my_search_application", body: { params: { query_string: "rock climbing", }, }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_render_query { "params": { "query_string": "rock climbing" } }
{ "query": { "query_string": { "query": "rock climbing", "default_field": "*", "fields": [] } } }
参数已替换为值 rock climbing
,并且未指定 {{default_field}}
参数,因此使用了默认值 *
当您实际执行不带任何参数的搜索时,它将执行渲染调用返回的底层查询。在这种情况下,不带任何参数的搜索将返回所有结果,类似于对 /_search
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search
使用 query_string
和/或 default_field
参数进行搜索将执行 query_string
您可以使用搜索应用程序搜索 API 向搜索应用程序发送搜索请求。
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "query_string": "kayaking" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { query_string: "kayaking", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "query_string": "kayaking" } }
在此示例中,我们已覆盖 query_string
参数的默认值 *
。由于我们未指定 default_field
,因此此参数的值仍将为 *
如果您的搜索应用程序的名称为 my_search_application
,则您的别名将为 my_search_application
。您可以使用搜索 API 搜索此内容。
您应使用搜索应用程序管理 API 来更新您的应用程序,而不直接使用 Elasticsearch API,例如别名 API。例如,使用带有 indices
参数的 PUT 搜索应用程序。这将自动使关联的别名保持最新,并确保将索引正确添加到搜索应用程序。
编辑以下模板支持在指定字段和 boost 上进行 multi_match
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"query\": {\n \"multi_match\": {\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\",\n \"fields\": [{{#text_fields}}\"{{name}}^{{boost}}\",{{/text_fields}}]\n }\n },\n \"explain\": \"{{explain}}\",\n \"from\": \"{{from}}\",\n \"size\": \"{{size}}\"\n }\n ", "params": { "query_string": "*", "text_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 10 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 5 } ], "explain": False, "from": 0, "size": 10 } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1", "index2"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "query": {\n "multi_match": {\n "query": "{{query_string}}",\n "fields": [{{#text_fields}}"{{name}}^{{boost}}",{{/text_fields}}]\n }\n },\n "explain": "{{explain}}",\n "from": "{{from}}",\n "size": "{{size}}"\n }\n ', params: { query_string: "*", text_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 10, }, { name: "description", boost: 5, }, ], explain: false, from: 0, size: 10, }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": ["index1", "index2"], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "{{query_string}}", "fields": [{{#text_fields}}"{{name}}^{{boost}}",{{/text_fields}}] } }, "explain": "{{explain}}", "from": "{{from}}", "size": "{{size}}" } """, "params": { "query_string": "*", "text_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 10}, {"name": "description", "boost": 5} ], "explain": false, "from": 0, "size": 10 } } } }
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "size": 5, "query_string": "mountain climbing", "text_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 10 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 2 }, { "name": "state", "boost": 1 } ] }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { size: 5, query_string: "mountain climbing", text_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 10, }, { name: "description", boost: 2, }, { name: "state", boost: 1, }, ], }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "size": 5, "query_string": "mountain climbing", "text_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 10}, {"name": "description", "boost": 2}, {"name": "state", "boost": 1} ] } }
可以使用新的/不同的字段和 boost 来覆盖 text_fields
参数,以试验最适合您用例的配置。此模板还通过参数支持分页和 explain
文本搜索 + ELSER(带 RRF)
编辑此示例支持用于组合 BM25 和 ELSER 搜索的倒数排名融合 (RRF)] 方法。倒数排名融合可以持续改进不同搜索算法的组合结果。它优于所有其他排名算法,并且通常无需校准即可超越最佳的单个结果。
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my-search-app", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"retriever\": {\n \"rrf\": {\n \"retrievers\": [\n {{#text_fields}}\n {\n \"standard\": {\n \"query\": {\n \"match\": {\n \"{{.}}\": \"{{query_string}}\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n {{/text_fields}}\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n \"standard\": {\n \"query\": {\n \"sparse_vector\": {\n \"field\": \"ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value\",\n \"inference_id\": \"<elser_inference_id>\",\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n ],\n \"rank_window_size\": {{rrf.rank_window_size}},\n \"rank_constant\": {{rrf.rank_constant}}\n }\n }\n }\n ", "params": { "elser_fields": [ "title", "meta_description" ], "text_fields": [ "title", "meta_description" ], "query_string": "", "rrf": { "rank_window_size": 100, "rank_constant": 60 } } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my-search-app", search_application: { indices: ["index1"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "retriever": {\n "rrf": {\n "retrievers": [\n {{#text_fields}}\n {\n "standard": {\n "query": {\n "match": {\n "{{.}}": "{{query_string}}"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n {{/text_fields}}\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n "standard": {\n "query": {\n "sparse_vector": {\n "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value",\n "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>",\n "query": "{{query_string}}"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n ],\n "rank_window_size": {{rrf.rank_window_size}},\n "rank_constant": {{rrf.rank_constant}}\n }\n }\n }\n ', params: { elser_fields: ["title", "meta_description"], text_fields: ["title", "meta_description"], query_string: "", rrf: { rank_window_size: 100, rank_constant: 60, }, }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my-search-app { "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "retriever": { "rrf": { "retrievers": [ {{#text_fields}} { "standard": { "query": { "match": { "{{.}}": "{{query_string}}" } } } }, {{/text_fields}} {{#elser_fields}} { "standard": { "query": { "sparse_vector": { "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value", "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>", "query": "{{query_string}}" } } } }, {{/elser_fields}} ], "rank_window_size": {{rrf.rank_window_size}}, "rank_constant": {{rrf.rank_constant}} } } } """, "params": { "elser_fields": ["title", "meta_description"], "text_fields": ["title", "meta_description"], "query_string": "", "rrf": { "rank_window_size": 100, "rank_constant": 60 } } } } }
将 <elser_model_id>
替换为 ELSER 部署的模型 ID。
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my-search-app", params={ "query_string": "What is the most popular brand of coffee sold in the United States?", "elser_fields": [ "title", "meta_description" ], "text_fields": [ "title", "meta_description" ], "rrf": { "rank_window_size": 50, "rank_constant": 25 } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my-search-app", params: { query_string: "What is the most popular brand of coffee sold in the United States?", elser_fields: ["title", "meta_description"], text_fields: ["title", "meta_description"], rrf: { rank_window_size: 50, rank_constant: 25, }, }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my-search-app/_search { "params": { "query_string": "What is the most popular brand of coffee sold in the United States?", "elser_fields": ["title", "meta_description"], "text_fields": ["title", "meta_description"], "rrf": { "rank_window_size": 50, "rank_constant": 25 } } }
文本搜索 + ELSER
编辑Elastic Learned Sparse EncodeR (ELSER) 通过文本扩展来提高搜索相关性,从而实现语义搜索。此实验性模板要求为一个或多个字段启用 ELSER。有关如何使用 ELSER 的更多信息,请参阅使用 ELSER 进行语义搜索。在这种情况下,已在 title
和 description
字段上启用 ELSER。
此示例提供了一个可用于各种搜索应用程序场景的单个模板:文本搜索、ELSER 或上述所有场景。如果未指定参数,它还提供一个简单的默认 query_string
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"query\": {\n \"bool\": {\n \"should\": [\n {{#text}}\n {\n \"multi_match\": {\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\",\n \"fields\": [{{#text_fields}}\"{{name}}^{{boost}}\",{{/text_fields}}],\n \"boost\": \"{{text_query_boost}}\"\n }\n },\n {{/text}}\n {{#elser}}\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n \"sparse_vector\": {\n \"field\": \"ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value\",\n \"inference_id\": \"<elser_inference_id>\",\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\"\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n { \"bool\": { \"must\": [] } },\n {{/elser}}\n {{^text}}\n {{^elser}}\n {\n \"query_string\": {\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\",\n \"default_field\": \"{{default_field}}\",\n \"default_operator\": \"{{default_operator}}\",\n \"boost\": \"{{text_query_boost}}\"\n }\n },\n {{/elser}}\n {{/text}}\n { \"bool\": { \"must\": [] } }\n ],\n \"minimum_should_match\": 1\n }\n },\n \"min_score\": \"{{min_score}}\",\n \"explain\": \"{{explain}}\",\n \"from\": \"{{from}}\",\n \"size\": \"{{size}}\"\n }\n ", "params": { "text": False, "elser": False, "elser_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 1 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 1 } ], "text_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 10 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 5 }, { "name": "state", "boost": 1 } ], "query_string": "*", "text_query_boost": 4, "default_field": "*", "default_operator": "OR", "explain": False, "from": 0, "size": 10, "min_score": 0 } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1", "index2"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "query": {\n "bool": {\n "should": [\n {{#text}}\n {\n "multi_match": {\n "query": "{{query_string}}",\n "fields": [{{#text_fields}}"{{name}}^{{boost}}",{{/text_fields}}],\n "boost": "{{text_query_boost}}"\n }\n },\n {{/text}}\n {{#elser}}\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n "sparse_vector": {\n "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value",\n "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>",\n "query": "{{query_string}}"\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n { "bool": { "must": [] } },\n {{/elser}}\n {{^text}}\n {{^elser}}\n {\n "query_string": {\n "query": "{{query_string}}",\n "default_field": "{{default_field}}",\n "default_operator": "{{default_operator}}",\n "boost": "{{text_query_boost}}"\n }\n },\n {{/elser}}\n {{/text}}\n { "bool": { "must": [] } }\n ],\n "minimum_should_match": 1\n }\n },\n "min_score": "{{min_score}}",\n "explain": "{{explain}}",\n "from": "{{from}}",\n "size": "{{size}}"\n }\n ', params: { text: false, elser: false, elser_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 1, }, { name: "description", boost: 1, }, ], text_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 10, }, { name: "description", boost: 5, }, { name: "state", boost: 1, }, ], query_string: "*", text_query_boost: 4, default_field: "*", default_operator: "OR", explain: false, from: 0, size: 10, min_score: 0, }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ {{#text}} { "multi_match": { "query": "{{query_string}}", "fields": [{{#text_fields}}"{{name}}^{{boost}}",{{/text_fields}}], "boost": "{{text_query_boost}}" } }, {{/text}} {{#elser}} {{#elser_fields}} { "sparse_vector": { "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value", "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>", "query": "{{query_string}}" } }, {{/elser_fields}} { "bool": { "must": [] } }, {{/elser}} {{^text}} {{^elser}} { "query_string": { "query": "{{query_string}}", "default_field": "{{default_field}}", "default_operator": "{{default_operator}}", "boost": "{{text_query_boost}}" } }, {{/elser}} {{/text}} { "bool": { "must": [] } } ], "minimum_should_match": 1 } }, "min_score": "{{min_score}}", "explain": "{{explain}}", "from": "{{from}}", "size": "{{size}}" } """, "params": { "text": false, "elser": false, "elser_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 1}, {"name": "description", "boost": 1} ], "text_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 10}, {"name": "description", "boost": 5}, {"name": "state", "boost": 1} ], "query_string": "*", "text_query_boost": 4, "default_field": "*", "default_operator": "OR", "explain": false, "from": 0, "size": 10, "min_score": 0 } } } }
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "text": True, "size": 5, "query_string": "mountain climbing", "text_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 10 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 5 }, { "name": "state", "boost": 1 } ] }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { text: true, size: 5, query_string: "mountain climbing", text_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 10, }, { name: "description", boost: 5, }, { name: "state", boost: 1, }, ], }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "text": true, "size": 5, "query_string": "mountain climbing", "text_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 10}, {"name": "description", "boost": 5}, {"name": "state", "boost": 1} ] } }
使用此模板的 ELSER 搜索查询将如下所示
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "elser": True, "query_string": "where is the best mountain climbing?", "elser_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 1 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 1 } ] }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { elser: true, query_string: "where is the best mountain climbing?", elser_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 1, }, { name: "description", boost: 1, }, ], }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "elser": true, "query_string": "where is the best mountain climbing?", "elser_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 1}, {"name": "description", "boost": 1} ] } }
使用此模板的组合文本搜索和 ELSER 搜索查询将如下所示
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "elser": True, "text": True, "query_string": "where is the best mountain climbing?", "elser_fields": [ { "name": "title", "boost": 1 }, { "name": "description", "boost": 1 } ], "text_query_boost": 4, "min_score": 10 }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { elser: true, text: true, query_string: "where is the best mountain climbing?", elser_fields: [ { name: "title", boost: 1, }, { name: "description", boost: 1, }, ], text_query_boost: 4, min_score: 10, }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "elser": true, "text": true, "query_string": "where is the best mountain climbing?", "elser_fields": [ {"name": "title", "boost": 1}, {"name": "description", "boost": 1} ], "text_query_boost": 4, "min_score": 10 } }
在某些情况下,文本搜索结果和 ELSER 搜索结果的评分预计会明显不同,这使得排名具有挑战性。要为您的数据集找到最佳的搜索结果组合,我们建议试验示例模板中提供的 boost 值
上述 boost 应该足以满足许多用例,但在某些情况下,向模板添加 重新评分 查询或索引提升可能会有所帮助。请记住使用put 搜索应用程序命令来更新您的搜索应用程序,以使用新模板。
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search
编辑此示例支持简化的 ELSER 搜索版本。
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"query\": {\n \"bool\": {\n \"should\": [\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n \"sparse_vector\": {\n \"field\": \"ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value\",\n \"inference_id\": \"<elser_inference_id>\",\n \"query\": \"{{query_string}}\"\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n ]\n }\n },\n \"min_score\": \"{{min_score}}\"\n }\n ", "params": { "query_string": "*", "min_score": "10", "elser_fields": [ { "name": "title" }, { "name": "description" } ] } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1", "index2"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "query": {\n "bool": {\n "should": [\n {{#elser_fields}}\n {\n "sparse_vector": {\n "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value",\n "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>",\n "query": "{{query_string}}"\n }\n },\n {{/elser_fields}}\n ]\n }\n },\n "min_score": "{{min_score}}"\n }\n ', params: { query_string: "*", min_score: "10", elser_fields: [ { name: "title", }, { name: "description", }, ], }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": [ "index1", "index2" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ {{#elser_fields}} { "sparse_vector": { "field": "ml.inference.{{.}}_expanded.predicted_value", "inference_id": "<elser_inference_id>", "query": "{{query_string}}" } }, {{/elser_fields}} ] } }, "min_score": "{{min_score}}" } """, "params": { "query_string": "*", "min_score": "10", "elser_fields": [ { "name": "title" }, { "name": "description" } ] } } } }
将 <elser_model_id>
替换为 ELSER 部署的模型 ID。
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "query_string": "Where is the best place for mountain climbing?" }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { query_string: "Where is the best place for mountain climbing?", }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "query_string": "Where is the best place for mountain climbing?" } }
kNN 搜索
编辑此示例支持k 最近邻 (kNN) 搜索
支持精确 kNN 搜索的模板将如下所示
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"query\": {\n \"script_score\": {\n \"query\": {\n \"bool\": {\n \"filter\": {\n \"range\": {\n \"{{field}}\": {\n \"{{operator}}\": {{value}}\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"script\": {\n \"source\": \"cosineSimilarity({{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}}, '{{dense_vector_field}}') + 1.0\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ", "params": { "field": "price", "operator": "gte", "value": 1000, "dense_vector_field": "product-vector", "query_vector": [] } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "query": {\n "script_score": {\n "query": {\n "bool": {\n "filter": {\n "range": {\n "{{field}}": {\n "{{operator}}": {{value}}\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n "script": {\n "source": "cosineSimilarity({{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}}, \'{{dense_vector_field}}\') + 1.0"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ', params: { field: "price", operator: "gte", value: 1000, dense_vector_field: "product-vector", query_vector: [], }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "query": { "script_score": { "query": { "bool": { "filter": { "range": { "{{field}}": { "{{operator}}": {{value}} } } } } }, "script": { "source": "cosineSimilarity({{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}}, '{{dense_vector_field}}') + 1.0" } } } } """, "params": { "field": "price", "operator": "gte", "value": 1000, "dense_vector_field": "product-vector", "query_vector": [] } } } }
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "field": "price", "operator": "gte", "value": 500 }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { field: "price", operator: "gte", value: 500, }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "field": "price", "operator": "gte", "value": 500 } }
支持近似 kNN 搜索的模板将如下所示
resp = client.search_application.put( name="my_search_application", search_application={ "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": "\n {\n \"knn\": {\n \"field\": \"{{knn_field}}\",\n \"query_vector\": {{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}},\n \"k\": \"{{k}}\",\n \"num_candidates\": {{num_candidates}}\n },\n \"fields\": {{#toJson}}fields{{/toJson}}\n }\n ", "params": { "knn_field": "image-vector", "query_vector": [], "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100, "fields": [ "title", "file-type" ] } } } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.put({ name: "my_search_application", search_application: { indices: ["index1"], template: { script: { lang: "mustache", source: '\n {\n "knn": {\n "field": "{{knn_field}}",\n "query_vector": {{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}},\n "k": "{{k}}",\n "num_candidates": {{num_candidates}}\n },\n "fields": {{#toJson}}fields{{/toJson}}\n }\n ', params: { knn_field: "image-vector", query_vector: [], k: 10, num_candidates: 100, fields: ["title", "file-type"], }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
PUT _application/search_application/my_search_application { "indices": [ "index1" ], "template": { "script": { "lang": "mustache", "source": """ { "knn": { "field": "{{knn_field}}", "query_vector": {{#toJson}}query_vector{{/toJson}}, "k": "{{k}}", "num_candidates": {{num_candidates}} }, "fields": {{#toJson}}fields{{/toJson}} } """, "params": { "knn_field": "image-vector", "query_vector": [], "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100, "fields": ["title", "file-type"] } } } }
resp = client.search_application.search( name="my_search_application", params={ "knn_field": "image-vector", "query_vector": [ -5, 9, -12 ], "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100, "fields": [ "title", "file-type" ] }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.searchApplication.search({ name: "my_search_application", params: { knn_field: "image-vector", query_vector: [-5, 9, -12], k: 10, num_candidates: 100, fields: ["title", "file-type"], }, }); console.log(response);
POST _application/search_application/my_search_application/_search { "params": { "knn_field": "image-vector", "query_vector": [-5, 9, -12], "k": 10, "num_candidates": 100, "fields": ["title", "file-type"] } }