可疑的 Windows 命令 Shell 参数
编辑可疑的 Windows 命令 Shell 参数
编辑识别 Windows 命令 Shell 进程 (cmd.exe) 执行时带有可疑参数值的情况。这种行为通常在恶意软件安装期间观察到。
规则类型: eql
- winlogbeat-*
- logs-windows.*
- logs-system.security*
- logs-windows.sysmon_operational-*
- logs-sentinel_one_cloud_funnel.*
- logs-m365_defender.event-*
严重性: 高
风险评分: 73
运行频率: 5分钟
搜索索引范围: now-9m (日期数学格式,另请参阅 附加回溯时间
每次执行的最大警报数: 100
参考: 无
- 域: 端点
- 操作系统: Windows
- 用例: 威胁检测
- 战术: 执行
- 数据源: 系统
- 数据源: Sysmon
- 数据源: SentinelOne
- 数据源: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
版本: 201
- Elastic
规则许可证: Elastic License v2
编辑process where host.os.type == "windows" and event.type == "start" and process.name : "cmd.exe" and ( process.command_line : ("*).Run(*", "*GetObject*", "* curl*regsvr32*", "*echo*wscript*", "*echo*ZONE.identifier*", "*ActiveXObject*", "*dir /s /b *echo*", "*unescape(*", "*findstr*TVNDRgAAAA*", "*findstr*passw*", "*start*\\\\*\\DavWWWRoot\\*", "* explorer*%CD%*", "*%cd%\\*.js*", "*attrib*%CD%*", "*/?cMD<*", "*/AutoIt3ExecuteScript*..*", "*&cls&cls&cls&cls&cls&*", "*&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;*", "* &&s^eT*", "*& ChrW(*", "*&explorer /root*", "*start __ & __\\*", "*findstr /V /L *forfiles*", "*=wscri& set *", "*http*!COmpUternaME!*", "*start *.pdf * start /min cmd.exe /c *\\\\*", "*pip install*System.Net.WebClient*", "*Invoke-WebReques*Start-Process*", "*-command (Invoke-webrequest*", "*copy /b *\\\\* ping *-n*", "*echo*.ToCharArray*") or (process.args : "echo" and process.parent.name : ("wscript.exe", "mshta.exe")) or process.args : ("1>?:\\*.vbs", "1>?:\\*.js") or (process.args : "explorer.exe" and process.args : "type" and process.args : ">" and process.args : "start") or (process.parent.name : "explorer.exe" and process.command_line : ("*&&S^eT *", "*&& set *&& set *&& set *&& set *&& set *&& call*", "**\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??\\u00??*")) or (process.parent.name : "explorer.exe" and process.args : "copy" and process.args : "&&" and process.args : "\\\\*@*\\*") ) and /* false positives */ not (process.args : "%TEMP%\\Spiceworks\\*" and process.parent.name : "wmiprvse.exe") and not process.parent.executable : ("?:\\Perl64\\bin\\perl.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\HP\\RS\\pgsql\\bin\\pg_dumpall.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\PRTG Network Monitor\\64 bit\\PRTG Server.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Spiceworks\\bin\\spiceworks-finder.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Zuercher Suite\\production\\leds\\leds.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\Tripwire\\Agent\\Plugins\\twexec\\twexec.exe", "D:\\Agents\\?\\_work\\_tasks\\*\\SonarScanner.MSBuild.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe", "?:\\programmiweb\\NetBeans-*\\netbeans\\bin\\netbeans64.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Public Safety Suite Professional\\production\\leds\\leds.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tier2Tickets\\button_gui.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\NetBeans-*\\netbeans\\bin\\netbeans*.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Public Safety Suite Professional\\production\\leds\\leds.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tier2Tickets\\button_gui.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Helpdesk Button\\button_gui.exe", "?:\\VTSPortable\\VTS\\jre\\bin\\javaw.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\Bot Framework Composer\\Bot Framework Composer.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\KMSYS Worldwide\\eQuate\\*\\SessionMgr.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Craneware\\Pricing Analyzer\\Craneware.Pricing.Shell.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\jumpcloud-agent-app\\jumpcloud-agent-app.exe", "?:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\*\\bin\\pg_dumpall.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\Vim\\vim*\\vimrun.exe") and not (process.args : "?:\\Program Files\\Citrix\\Secure Access Client\\nsauto.exe" and process.parent.name : "userinit.exe") and not process.args : ("?:\\Program Files (x86)\\PCMatic\\PCPitstopScheduleService.exe", "?:\\Program Files (x86)\\AllesTechnologyAgent\\*", "https://auth.axis.com/oauth2/oauth-authorize*") and not process.command_line : ("\"cmd\" /c %NETBEANS_MAVEN_COMMAND_LINE%", "?:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /q /d /s /c \"npm.cmd ^\"install^\" ^\"--no-bin-links^\" ^\"--production^\"\"") and not (process.name : "cmd.exe" and process.args : "%TEMP%\\Spiceworks\\*" and process.args : "http*/dataloader/persist_netstat_data") and not (process.args == "echo" and process.args == "GEQ" and process.args == "1073741824")
- 名称: 执行
- ID: TA0002
- 参考 URL: https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/
- 名称: 命令和脚本解释器
- ID: T1059
- 参考 URL: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/
- 名称: Windows 命令 Shell
- ID: T1059.003
- 参考 URL: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/003/