字段值 "4/8/3"
可以作为字符串字段进行索引,但这不会对其启用任何空间操作。相反,将其转换为值 "POLYGON ((0.0 40.979898069620134, 22.5 40.979898069620134, 22.5 55.77657301866769, 0.0 55.77657301866769, 0.0 40.979898069620134))"
,该值可以作为 geo_shape
表 21. geo_grid 处理器选项
名称 | 必需 | 默认值 | 描述 |
是 |
- |
要解释为地理瓦片的字段。字段格式由 |
是 |
- |
理解三种瓦片格式: |
否 |
将多边形形状分配到的字段,默认情况下, |
否 |
- |
如果指定且存在父瓦片,则将该瓦片地址保存到此字段。 |
否 |
- |
如果指定且存在子瓦片,则将这些瓦片地址作为字符串数组保存到此字段。 |
否 |
- |
如果指定且存在相交的非子瓦片,则将其地址作为字符串数组保存到此字段。 |
否 |
- |
如果指定,则将瓦片精度(缩放)作为整数保存到此字段。 |
否 |
- |
如果 |
否 |
"GeoJSON" |
保存生成的多边形的格式。可以是 |
否 |
- |
处理器的描述。用于描述处理器的目的或其配置。 |
否 |
- |
有条件地执行处理器。请参阅 有条件地运行处理器。 |
否 |
忽略处理器的故障。请参阅 处理管道故障。 |
否 |
- |
处理处理器的故障。请参阅 处理管道故障。 |
否 |
- |
处理器的标识符。用于调试和指标。 |
为了演示此 Ingest 处理器的用法,请考虑一个名为 geocells
的索引,其字段 geocell
的映射类型为 geo_shape
。为了使用 geotile
和 geohex
字段填充该索引,请定义两个 Ingest 处理器
resp = client.indices.create( index="geocells", mappings={ "properties": { "geocell": { "type": "geo_shape" } } }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="geotile2shape", description="translate rectangular z/x/y geotile to bounding box", processors=[ { "geo_grid": { "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geotile" } } ], ) print(resp1) resp2 = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="geohex2shape", description="translate H3 cell to polygon", processors=[ { "geo_grid": { "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geohex", "target_format": "wkt" } } ], ) print(resp2)
response = client.indices.create( index: 'geocells', body: { mappings: { properties: { geocell: { type: 'geo_shape' } } } } ) puts response response = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id: 'geotile2shape', body: { description: 'translate rectangular z/x/y geotile to bounding box', processors: [ { geo_grid: { field: 'geocell', tile_type: 'geotile' } } ] } ) puts response response = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id: 'geohex2shape', body: { description: 'translate H3 cell to polygon', processors: [ { geo_grid: { field: 'geocell', tile_type: 'geohex', target_format: 'wkt' } } ] } ) puts response
const response = await client.indices.create({ index: "geocells", mappings: { properties: { geocell: { type: "geo_shape", }, }, }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "geotile2shape", description: "translate rectangular z/x/y geotile to bounding box", processors: [ { geo_grid: { field: "geocell", tile_type: "geotile", }, }, ], }); console.log(response1); const response2 = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "geohex2shape", description: "translate H3 cell to polygon", processors: [ { geo_grid: { field: "geocell", tile_type: "geohex", target_format: "wkt", }, }, ], }); console.log(response2);
PUT geocells { "mappings": { "properties": { "geocell": { "type": "geo_shape" } } } } PUT _ingest/pipeline/geotile2shape { "description": "translate rectangular z/x/y geotile to bounding box", "processors": [ { "geo_grid": { "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geotile" } } ] } PUT _ingest/pipeline/geohex2shape { "description": "translate H3 cell to polygon", "processors": [ { "geo_grid": { "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geohex", "target_format": "wkt" } } ] }
这两个管道可用于将文档索引到 geocells
字段将是矩形瓦片的字符串版本(格式为 z/x/y
)或 H3 单元地址,具体取决于索引文档时使用的 Ingest 处理器。生成的几何图形将以 GeoJSON 或 Well-Known Text 格式表示和索引为 geo_shape
示例:GeoJSON 中带有信封的矩形地理瓦片
编辑在此示例中,以 z/x/y
格式定义值的 geocell
字段将索引为 GeoJSON 信封,因为上面的 Ingest 处理器是使用默认的 target_format
resp = client.index( index="geocells", id="1", pipeline="geotile2shape", document={ "geocell": "4/8/5" }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.get( index="geocells", id="1", ) print(resp1)
response = client.index( index: 'geocells', id: 1, pipeline: 'geotile2shape', body: { geocell: '4/8/5' } ) puts response response = client.get( index: 'geocells', id: 1 ) puts response
const response = await client.index({ index: "geocells", id: 1, pipeline: "geotile2shape", document: { geocell: "4/8/5", }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.get({ index: "geocells", id: 1, }); console.log(response1);
PUT geocells/_doc/1?pipeline=geotile2shape { "geocell": "4/8/5" } GET geocells/_doc/1
响应显示 Ingest 处理器如何将 geocell
字段替换为可索引的 geo_shape
{ "_index": "geocells", "_id": "1", "_version": 1, "_seq_no": 0, "_primary_term": 1, "found": true, "_source": { "geocell": { "type": "Envelope", "coordinates": [ [ 0.0, 55.77657301866769 ], [ 22.5, 40.979898069620134 ] ] } } }
示例:WKT 格式中带有多边形的六边形 geohex
编辑在此示例中,具有 H3 字符串地址的 geocell
字段将索引为 WKT 多边形,因为此 Ingest 处理器显式定义了 target_format
resp = client.index( index="geocells", id="1", pipeline="geohex2shape", document={ "geocell": "811fbffffffffff" }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.get( index="geocells", id="1", ) print(resp1)
response = client.index( index: 'geocells', id: 1, pipeline: 'geohex2shape', body: { geocell: '811fbffffffffff' } ) puts response response = client.get( index: 'geocells', id: 1 ) puts response
const response = await client.index({ index: "geocells", id: 1, pipeline: "geohex2shape", document: { geocell: "811fbffffffffff", }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.get({ index: "geocells", id: 1, }); console.log(response1);
PUT geocells/_doc/1?pipeline=geohex2shape { "geocell": "811fbffffffffff" } GET geocells/_doc/1
响应显示 Ingest 处理器如何将 geocell
字段替换为可索引的 geo_shape
{ "_index": "geocells", "_id": "1", "_version": 1, "_seq_no": 0, "_primary_term": 1, "found": true, "_source": { "geocell": "POLYGON ((1.1885095294564962 49.470279179513454, 2.0265689212828875 45.18424864858389, 7.509948452934623 43.786609335802495, 12.6773177459836 46.40695743262768, 12.345747342333198 50.55427505169064, 6.259687012061477 51.964770150370896, 3.6300085578113794 50.610463307239115, 1.1885095294564962 49.470279179513454))" } }
编辑如 geo_grid 处理器选项中所述,可以设置许多其他字段,这些字段将丰富可用的信息。例如,对于 H3 瓦片,有 7 个子瓦片,但只有第一个子瓦片完全包含在父瓦片中。其余六个子瓦片仅部分与父瓦片重叠,并且存在另外六个与父瓦片重叠的非子瓦片。可以通过向 Ingest 处理器添加父级和子级附加字段来调查此情况
resp = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id="geohex2shape", description="translate H3 cell to polygon with enriched fields", processors=[ { "geo_grid": { "description": "Ingest H3 cells like '811fbffffffffff' and create polygons", "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geohex", "target_format": "wkt", "target_field": "shape", "parent_field": "parent", "children_field": "children", "non_children_field": "nonChildren", "precision_field": "precision" } } ], ) print(resp)
response = client.ingest.put_pipeline( id: 'geohex2shape', body: { description: 'translate H3 cell to polygon with enriched fields', processors: [ { geo_grid: { description: "Ingest H3 cells like '811fbffffffffff' and create polygons", field: 'geocell', tile_type: 'geohex', target_format: 'wkt', target_field: 'shape', parent_field: 'parent', children_field: 'children', non_children_field: 'nonChildren', precision_field: 'precision' } } ] } ) puts response
const response = await client.ingest.putPipeline({ id: "geohex2shape", description: "translate H3 cell to polygon with enriched fields", processors: [ { geo_grid: { description: "Ingest H3 cells like '811fbffffffffff' and create polygons", field: "geocell", tile_type: "geohex", target_format: "wkt", target_field: "shape", parent_field: "parent", children_field: "children", non_children_field: "nonChildren", precision_field: "precision", }, }, ], }); console.log(response);
PUT _ingest/pipeline/geohex2shape { "description": "translate H3 cell to polygon with enriched fields", "processors": [ { "geo_grid": { "description": "Ingest H3 cells like '811fbffffffffff' and create polygons", "field": "geocell", "tile_type": "geohex", "target_format": "wkt", "target_field": "shape", "parent_field": "parent", "children_field": "children", "non_children_field": "nonChildren", "precision_field": "precision" } } ] }
resp = client.index( index="geocells", id="1", pipeline="geohex2shape", document={ "geocell": "811fbffffffffff" }, ) print(resp) resp1 = client.get( index="geocells", id="1", ) print(resp1)
response = client.index( index: 'geocells', id: 1, pipeline: 'geohex2shape', body: { geocell: '811fbffffffffff' } ) puts response response = client.get( index: 'geocells', id: 1 ) puts response
const response = await client.index({ index: "geocells", id: 1, pipeline: "geohex2shape", document: { geocell: "811fbffffffffff", }, }); console.log(response); const response1 = await client.get({ index: "geocells", id: 1, }); console.log(response1);
PUT geocells/_doc/1?pipeline=geohex2shape { "geocell": "811fbffffffffff" } GET geocells/_doc/1
{ "_index": "geocells", "_id": "1", "_version": 1, "_seq_no": 0, "_primary_term": 1, "found": true, "_source": { "parent": "801ffffffffffff", "geocell": "811fbffffffffff", "precision": 1, "shape": "POLYGON ((1.1885095294564962 49.470279179513454, 2.0265689212828875 45.18424864858389, 7.509948452934623 43.786609335802495, 12.6773177459836 46.40695743262768, 12.345747342333198 50.55427505169064, 6.259687012061477 51.964770150370896, 3.6300085578113794 50.610463307239115, 1.1885095294564962 49.470279179513454))", "children": [ "821f87fffffffff", "821f8ffffffffff", "821f97fffffffff", "821f9ffffffffff", "821fa7fffffffff", "821faffffffffff", "821fb7fffffffff" ], "nonChildren": [ "821ea7fffffffff", "82186ffffffffff", "82396ffffffffff", "821f17fffffffff", "821e37fffffffff", "82194ffffffffff" ] } }
然后,此附加信息将允许例如创建 H3 单元、其子单元及其相交的非子单元的可视化。