编辑在 8.15.0 版本中已弃用。
此查询已被 稀疏向量 取代。
文本扩展查询使用自然语言处理模型将查询文本转换为词元-权重对列表,然后将其用于针对 稀疏向量 或 排序特征 字段的查询。
编辑resp = client.search( query={ "text_expansion": { "<sparse_vector_field>": { "model_id": "the model to produce the token weights", "model_text": "the query string" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.search( body: { query: { text_expansion: { "<sparse_vector_field>": { model_id: 'the model to produce the token weights', model_text: 'the query string' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ query: { text_expansion: { "<sparse_vector_field>": { model_id: "the model to produce the token weights", model_text: "the query string", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
GET _search { "query":{ "text_expansion":{ "<sparse_vector_field>":{ "model_id":"the model to produce the token weights", "model_text":"the query string" } } } }
- (必需,对象)包含 NLP 模型根据输入文本创建的词元-权重对的字段名称。
- (必需,字符串)用于将查询文本转换为词元-权重对的模型的 ID。它必须与用于从输入文本创建词元的模型 ID 相同。
- (必需,字符串)您要用于搜索的查询文本。
(可选,对象) [预览] 此功能为技术预览版,可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。 可选的剪枝配置。如果启用,这将从查询中省略不重要的词元,以提高查询性能。默认值:禁用。
- (可选,整数) [预览] 此功能为技术预览版,可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。 频率高于指定字段中所有词元平均频率
倍的词元被视为异常值并被修剪。此值必须介于 1 和 100 之间。默认值:5
。 -
- (可选,浮点数) [预览] 此功能为技术预览版,可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。 权重小于
的词元被认为是不重要的并被修剪。此值必须介于 0 和 1 之间。默认值:0.4
。 -
- (可选,布尔值) [预览] 此功能为技术预览版,可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。 如果为
的默认值是根据使用 ELSER 的测试选择的,这些测试提供了最理想的结果。 -
ELSER 查询示例
编辑以下是 text_expansion
查询的示例,该查询引用 ELSER 模型执行语义搜索。有关如何使用 ELSER 和 text_expansion
查询执行语义搜索的更详细说明,请参阅 本教程。
resp = client.search( index="my-index", query={ "text_expansion": { "ml.tokens": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.search( index: 'my-index', body: { query: { text_expansion: { 'ml.tokens' => { model_id: '.elser_model_2', model_text: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?' } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ index: "my-index", query: { text_expansion: { "ml.tokens": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
GET my-index/_search { "query":{ "text_expansion":{ "ml.tokens":{ "model_id":".elser_model_2", "model_text":"How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } } }
多个 text_expansion
查询可以相互组合或与其他查询类型组合。这可以通过将它们包装在 布尔查询子句 中并使用线性提升来实现。
resp = client.search( index="my-index", query={ "bool": { "should": [ { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "boost": 1 } } }, { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "boost": 1 } } }, { "multi_match": { "query": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "fields": [ "title", "description" ], "boost": 4 } } ] } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.search( index: 'my-index', body: { query: { bool: { should: [ { text_expansion: { 'ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value' => { model_id: '.elser_model_2', model_text: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?', boost: 1 } } }, { text_expansion: { 'ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value' => { model_id: '.elser_model_2', model_text: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?', boost: 1 } } }, { multi_match: { query: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?', fields: [ 'title', 'description' ], boost: 4 } } ] } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ index: "my-index", query: { bool: { should: [ { text_expansion: { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", boost: 1, }, }, }, { text_expansion: { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", boost: 1, }, }, }, { multi_match: { query: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", fields: ["title", "description"], boost: 4, }, }, ], }, }, }); console.log(response);
GET my-index/_search { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "boost": 1 } } }, { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "boost": 1 } } }, { "multi_match": { "query": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "fields": [ "title", "description" ], "boost": 4 } } ] } } }
这也可以通过 倒数排名融合 (RRF) 来实现,通过具有多个 标准
检索器 的 rrf
检索器 来实现。
resp = client.search( index="my-index", retriever={ "rrf": { "retrievers": [ { "standard": { "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "fields": [ "title", "description" ] } } } }, { "standard": { "query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } } } }, { "standard": { "query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } } } } ], "window_size": 10, "rank_constant": 20 } }, ) print(resp)
const response = await client.search({ index: "my-index", retriever: { rrf: { retrievers: [ { standard: { query: { multi_match: { query: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", fields: ["title", "description"], }, }, }, }, { standard: { query: { text_expansion: { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", }, }, }, }, }, { standard: { query: { text_expansion: { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", }, }, }, }, }, ], window_size: 10, rank_constant: 20, }, }, }); console.log(response);
GET my-index/_search { "retriever": { "rrf": { "retrievers": [ { "standard": { "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "fields": [ "title", "description" ] } } } }, { "standard": { "query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.title_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } } } }, { "standard": { "query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.inference.description_expanded.predicted_value": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?" } } } } } ], "window_size": 10, "rank_constant": 20 } } }
带有剪枝配置和重新评分的 ELSER 查询示例
编辑以下是上述示例的扩展,它向 text_expansion
查询添加了 [预览] 此功能为技术预览版,可能会在未来的版本中更改或删除。Elastic 将努力修复任何问题,但技术预览版中的功能不受官方 GA 功能的支持 SLA 的约束。 剪枝配置。剪枝配置会识别不重要的词元以从查询中修剪,从而提高查询性能。
词元剪枝发生在分片级别。虽然这应该导致相同的词元在分片中被标记为不重要,但这并不能保证基于每个分片的组成。因此,如果您在多分片索引上运行带有 pruning_config
的 text_expansion
,我们强烈建议添加一个带有最初从查询中修剪的词元的 重新评分过滤的搜索结果 函数。这将有助于缓解词元修剪的任何分片级别不一致,并提供更好的整体相关性。
resp = client.search( index="my-index", query={ "text_expansion": { "ml.tokens": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "pruning_config": { "tokens_freq_ratio_threshold": 5, "tokens_weight_threshold": 0.4, "only_score_pruned_tokens": False } } } }, rescore={ "window_size": 100, "query": { "rescore_query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.tokens": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "pruning_config": { "tokens_freq_ratio_threshold": 5, "tokens_weight_threshold": 0.4, "only_score_pruned_tokens": True } } } } } }, ) print(resp)
response = client.search( index: 'my-index', body: { query: { text_expansion: { 'ml.tokens' => { model_id: '.elser_model_2', model_text: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?', pruning_config: { tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: 5, tokens_weight_threshold: 0.4, only_score_pruned_tokens: false } } } }, rescore: { window_size: 100, query: { rescore_query: { text_expansion: { 'ml.tokens' => { model_id: '.elser_model_2', model_text: 'How is the weather in Jamaica?', pruning_config: { tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: 5, tokens_weight_threshold: 0.4, only_score_pruned_tokens: true } } } } } } } ) puts response
const response = await client.search({ index: "my-index", query: { text_expansion: { "ml.tokens": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", pruning_config: { tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: 5, tokens_weight_threshold: 0.4, only_score_pruned_tokens: false, }, }, }, }, rescore: { window_size: 100, query: { rescore_query: { text_expansion: { "ml.tokens": { model_id: ".elser_model_2", model_text: "How is the weather in Jamaica?", pruning_config: { tokens_freq_ratio_threshold: 5, tokens_weight_threshold: 0.4, only_score_pruned_tokens: true, }, }, }, }, }, }, }); console.log(response);
GET my-index/_search { "query":{ "text_expansion":{ "ml.tokens":{ "model_id":".elser_model_2", "model_text":"How is the weather in Jamaica?", "pruning_config": { "tokens_freq_ratio_threshold": 5, "tokens_weight_threshold": 0.4, "only_score_pruned_tokens": false } } } }, "rescore": { "window_size": 100, "query": { "rescore_query": { "text_expansion": { "ml.tokens": { "model_id": ".elser_model_2", "model_text": "How is the weather in Jamaica?", "pruning_config": { "tokens_freq_ratio_threshold": 5, "tokens_weight_threshold": 0.4, "only_score_pruned_tokens": true } } } } } } }
根据您的数据,文本扩展查询在 track_total_hits: false